Saturday, September 15, 2007

NYC Gathering Update ( NY vs. Philly)

Duration: 08:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-01 15:07:42
User: Alphacat
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Just an update of information and I talk about the pros and cons of both cities. I'm looking forward to alot of fun! Let's get it on! Come to NY!

Alphacat ::: Favorites
cater??? It's a club. Go to the bar and get a drink and dance to the music. It's not a catering event people will want to go somewhere where can drink and meet meet people and have fun in New York after hours.
07-05-03 10:03:04
kiru86 ::: Favorites
A few response points.. 1. There is a shuttle train right from the Philly Airport into Philly. Takes about 20-30 minutes... Where'd you get 4-5 hours? 2. Club won't work for a lot of people... How will you cater to everyone?
07-03-24 19:52:55
khayav ::: Favorites
See ya!
07-03-10 01:39:33
socketc ::: Favorites
Point well taken, AC - of course people are free to associate as they want, and hotel parties are another matter. I just hope we end up with at least one big club event which everyone of age can attend. Sounds like you agree, and I'm really glad you're in a position to help make that happen. Godspeed and peace.
07-03-09 21:12:33
Alphacat ::: Favorites
07-03-09 19:15:56
Alphacat ::: Favorites
well my plans for a party is simply be of age to get into the club.Thats it. NOW, what people decide to do AFTERhours like in hotel rooms and stuff like that well that solely up to whoevers room/apt/ hotel room it belongs to. You gotta remember even though its yuotube, some of these people actually know each other fairly well and after public events just wanna be around people they're close to. But I'm all about making it as general public as possible
07-03-09 19:15:39
socketc ::: Favorites
That is awesome that you may be able to hook the gathering up with a club. One request: if afterparty events are planned, can you try not to make them exclusive/invite only type things? From what I heard, that's how the SF afterparty went down and it left people feeling excluded...definitely not the "As One" spirit. The NYC's got a huge groundswell - much more time and many more people getting together to plan it. Thanks for getting so involved, I'm sure all attendees will appreciate it.
07-03-09 13:36:47
skibby ::: Favorites
looking forward to meeting you there, if not sooner!
07-03-07 17:36:07
Alphacat ::: Favorites
cool. see ya there
07-03-06 08:42:17
parisblonde ::: Favorites
hey there. i am going to the NYC gathering all the way from australia. hope to meet
07-03-06 00:04:33

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