Saturday, September 15, 2007

Foamy rant 2

Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 06-01-19 15:41:31
User: maggilicious
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Foamy the Squirrel

lostlyena23 ::: Favorites
foamy knows where its at =) lmfao .... idiots
07-07-13 02:54:01
rickybduc ::: Favorites
"ha ah ah o ouu twisting the brain! o" LMFAO
07-07-11 00:01:24
Apples533 ::: Favorites
someone should stab you in the eye with a really hot french fry you ba**erd! LOL!
07-06-29 16:02:40
A2nony2mous ::: Favorites
now that is a cool squirrel. Flip people off...hehe. squeakie!!
07-06-26 18:20:22
f0rt0r ::: Favorites
Omg, people are expected to learn the language of the land? No, lets cater to people who want to come live in the US, but want everyone who's already here to adopt their native language. No! If I go to your country, I'll learn your language. You come to mine, you do the same. Thx.
07-06-24 01:59:51
cutiesam2 ::: Favorites
oh ya a friend of mine has a screen saver that has a picture of John Wayne saying "Why the fuck should I push 1 for english!" ya just thaught I might share that.
07-06-23 22:16:03
cutiesam2 ::: Favorites
07-06-23 22:13:07
elvickRULES ::: Favorites
Love it
07-06-21 16:43:12
kimmykokitty ::: Favorites
Choke on your own fat!!!! lol
07-06-21 09:03:45
LanaKent ::: Favorites
hhahhaa this is so frikkin funny!
07-06-20 17:13:46

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