Saturday, September 15, 2007

As 1 - Before and After -smpfilms-renetto-boh3m3-DiGiTiLsOuL

Duration: 12:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-20 14:51:51
User: DiGiTiLsOuL
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A Big Thanks to Charles and Noel from Virgin America for taking us all over town and treating us great.

waffleypie ::: Favorites
I subscribe to all four of you. Cute kid by the way. :)
07-07-12 15:58:47
RetroRyder ::: Favorites
really cool, everything, i think it's interesting that there are different perspectives in the same moment: you were shooting from the ground outside the hotel, and if I go to boh3m3's channel, he was shooting from the balcony. It's just cool.
07-07-02 02:18:19
atikokanite ::: Favorites
im a kid so i cant go ah
07-05-06 20:42:57
HoneyDewWaterMelon ::: Favorites
cute video u seem like a really decent guy
07-04-30 01:55:26
robertsweeney ::: Favorites
what is jet lag
07-04-15 07:58:42
pickagun ::: Favorites
That guys Chinese was a little off but better than most non-Chinese will speak.
07-04-14 23:06:56
DrTea ::: Favorites
Wonton soup is the best
07-04-09 02:25:04
csimo13 ::: Favorites
youtube is a great place for losers to get famous... to other losers...
07-04-06 01:56:05
jay54324 ::: Favorites
Freaking Vegemite, It tasted like Crep -.- Lmao
07-04-05 07:52:31
JelloRizzleJiggy ::: Favorites
its amazing to see completely ordinary people become celebs then see all of them meet up i mean its like one person says i think your awesome and the other person's like you're amazing too its like spielberg loving james cameron and vice versa its wierd ~C~
07-04-01 00:06:03

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