Duration: 02:53 minutes Upload Time: 2007-05-30 05:05:08 User: tenzoroku |
a video response to Kevjumba's "What's Your Addiction?" |
Comments | |
tenzoroku 2007-08-28 17:26:09 oh damn thats hot! a pinay ! ^_~ __________________________________________________ | |
aliabooboo 2007-08-28 17:17:32 i'm half filipina half italian ! D: i'm a flop! ): haha __________________________________________________ | |
tenzoroku 2007-08-28 01:36:17 thanks! what about yourself? are you asian? __________________________________________________ | |
aliabooboo 2007-08-28 00:10:32 Niice! __________________________________________________ | |
tenzoroku 2007-08-26 22:23:21 nope lol i wish haha im Laotian ^_^ __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Whats your Addiction?
Black Eyed Peas POA - Pepsi on Stage
Duration: 02:32 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-03 23:48:34 User: pacf91 |
Where Is The Love 2/10/2007 |
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Birds and Squirrels
Duration: 00:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-02-24 18:29:38 User: azh01e |
Bird and Squirrels. No animals were harmed in the making of this video in fact they eat rather well, tons of food is provided daily for them as well as fresh water. I reserve the right to yell at them at any time. |
Comments | |
azh01e 2008-02-06 12:46:14 Thanks, LOL. __________________________________________________ | |
talatsmum 2008-02-06 12:45:39 i find it funny... :D __________________________________________________ | |
azh01e 2008-02-01 22:14:32 Of course I do, I let up some during the spring and summer, they can chase bugs, cus I was going throguh 50lbs of seeds a month. 100+ birds at a time, all varieties. __________________________________________________ | |
crazy4mickey 2008-02-01 22:12:54 i only got to the first scream. then i knew where this vid was going. by the way do YOU feed the birds. if you do keep it up. cause they need our help through the winter sometimes. __________________________________________________ | |
azh01e 2008-02-01 21:40:46 You're the one that watched it. __________________________________________________ |
Tilak vs GaMeRfLiP155 fight 4
Duration: 00:51 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-12 04:02:09 User: trueninjatactics |
Jump Ultimate Stars Battle Player 1: Tilak (Touyakun) Player 2: GaMeRfLiP155 (Nashun) |
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SVR 2008: High Flyin'
Duration: 00:33 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-19 19:24:18 User: rebelliondx2007 |
SVR 2008: High Flyin' 11/19/07 |
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Open Your Eyes To Love: Georgie and Spinelli
Duration: 02:21 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-19 15:33:28 User: terrilynn88 |
A video about how Georgie wants Spinelli to open up his eyes and see what's standing right in front of him. |
Comments | |
unicorn9153 2008-02-03 22:33:16 There is something wrong with GH, first JASAM and now GSPIN. WHY? __________________________________________________ | |
hinata365 2008-01-27 14:04:39 i AM VERY UPSET BECAUSE THEY NEVER REALL GOT STARTED. DAMN!!!! __________________________________________________ | |
haleybug96 2007-12-29 00:17:12 im soooo sad she got killed off __________________________________________________ | |
tvobsessed91 2007-12-15 13:41:55 Aww, I love these two. They are adorable. __________________________________________________ | |
creativecreations 2007-12-15 03:08:27 Sweet video! __________________________________________________ |
General Hospital GH 11-28-07 part 3
Duration: 07:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-28 16:30:43 User: CaziGirl |
More funeral stuff....Leo, Luke, Regina; Carly & Johnny; funeral; Nik & Em flashbacks. |
Comments | |
JaxHada 2007-12-29 17:30:21 well that was depressing __________________________________________________ | |
stepOFFbigots 2007-12-23 03:24:45 Liz did mention the musketeers. __________________________________________________ | |
iamfoxyroxy 2007-12-19 01:06:49 I still cant believe that Emily's gone..it's just sad....i thought that she would of been on the show til the end just like Lila!!! And OMG Liz montage to Emily was amazing!! __________________________________________________ | |
Justice4Kelsey 2007-12-09 19:19:14 The song is called "Mark's Song" by Eastmountainsouth __________________________________________________ | |
txinpa 2007-12-04 19:11:43 I'm not a super NEM fan but that was a very beautiful montage. I feel bad for Nik right now. Tyler is doing a wonderful acting job. __________________________________________________ |
Gakuen Alice 6 part 2
Duration: 07:18 minutes Upload Time: 2007-04-07 17:09:51 User: DestinyPeace |
enjoy!! |
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AwsumThing 2008-02-19 15:07:50 HAHA pause at 7:07 and look at Mikans face its hilarious! __________________________________________________ | |
animelover9797 2008-02-17 17:11:09 I think he might be a lil fruity. xDD I'm kidding. I think he is emo or something. __________________________________________________ | |
sagingmansanas 2008-02-01 21:15:09 is that the guy from flame of recca __________________________________________________ | |
dhanielle13 2008-01-22 12:34:38 kurei is that you from flame of recca __________________________________________________ | |
wiisportstars 2008-01-12 17:10:17 why is it that when its about Natume or persona they always have the tuneless trumpet solo! lol LMAO __________________________________________________ |
Contaminación acústica en Oviedo 6 -Ruido en Vivienda -
Duration: 00:48 minutes Upload Time: 2008-02-10 14:29:15 User: Melibeaspain |
DESPUÉS DE LA PRIMERA Y MALA INSONORIZACIÓN : Después de una mala insonorización por parte del propietario del taller, seguimos con ruidos en la habitación y en el baño; en el baño se puede escuchar el cuando arrancan el motor de la depuradora en las paredes;los tubos de aire utilizados para pintar los coches del taller de abajo, chocan contra nuestro suelo y paredes, creando, al cabo de una media hora, un choque envolvente de olas que hace que el ruido y la vibración sea mayor. MALA INSONORIACIÓN,TAL Y COMO TEMÍAMOS.El propietario dice que va a terminar la insonorización los próximos días. En breve pondremos más vídeos. Ha quitado el ruido de fuera, pero ahora, ha dejado el ruido en la vivienda. ESTO ES UN PELIGRO PARA LOS CIMIENTOS DEL EDIFICIO, UNA ACTIVIDAD MOLESTA,INSALUBRE Y NOCIVA, ni que decir tiene, que los malos olores continúan. Seguiremos hasta que termine , como es debido, la insonoriación. Esto es una vergüenza.Suban el volúmen a la mitad, a sonido normal, a los 5 minutos resulta insorpotable permanecer en la habitación.Chapuzas NO, GRACIAS.Asturias verde y paraíso natural ¿ De verdad? |
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arganosa 2008-02-17 11:34:36 Denúncialo en los foros y en "el comentario tv" y pon los videos, si la denuncia la hiciste ante el Ayuntamiento, tas dada. Un voto para tu video, que eso ayuda Un saludo J.César __________________________________________________ | |
factorvivendi 2008-02-11 02:51:40 La insonrización ha quedado mal, como se puede oir. El sonido es todavía más fuerte de lo que se oye, sobre todo en el baño, donde se escucha el arranque del motor. El propietario dice q falta por terminar, que por eso los tubos de aire q chocan contra nuestro suelo se oyen y producen vibraciones y ruidos.El ruido se intensifica después de media hora, por efecto de las ondas que no tienen salida y quedan dentro de un espacio sin expansión.SUBAN EL VOLUMEN a modo normal, como escuchan la radio. __________________________________________________ | |
Melibeaspain 2008-02-10 14:37:30 Prueba de una MALA INSONORIZACIÓN: los ruidos y vibraciones por el tubo de aire que choca con techo , o sea, nuestro suelo y están ahora en baño y habitaciones, suelos y paredes que retumban. Falta por terminar, según el propietario, la inosorización.Sin duda se hizo con el presupuesto más barato y cutre. Era de esperar.Denuncia en trámite. __________________________________________________ |
Hey There Delilah
Duration: 04:44 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-21 03:24:51 User: orenjiyumeboi |
I love this song! It's the best song for that special someone. And Cheddar makes an appearance! |
Comments | |
Awesomo86 2007-12-16 16:09:39 the cats name is cheddar . i know him . he is my friend. __________________________________________________ | |
Awesomo86 2007-12-02 02:47:42 hiya quincy!~!~!~! __________________________________________________ | |
KnS1710 2007-12-01 11:53:28 wow..luv ya voice __________________________________________________ | |
martha146 2007-11-06 14:50:50 you have a great voice and i saw your back flip now i can do a back flip thanks and keep up the singing your great! __________________________________________________ | |
MoustacheDavid 2007-09-24 04:23:56 Here kitty kitty! __________________________________________________ |