Sunday, August 12, 2007

Muse - Megalomania (in Paris)

Duration: 283 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-15 04:11:40
User: smalloranger
:::: Favorites


one of my favourites of all time...damn i wish i was going to wembley!
07-05-02 16:43:13
MuseroChile ::: Favorites
they should play this at wembley, its a classic
07-05-06 11:21:33
ViolentGypsyDance ::: Favorites
WOW! Fucking grandios!! Very impressive.
07-05-15 06:55:48
safeaskittens ::: Favorites
WOW is this from the hullabaloo DVD??
07-05-23 08:34:14
smalloranger ::: Favorites
07-05-23 14:08:55
noonce ::: Favorites
they just MIGHT play this at wembley, since they have been pulling out some old songs lately.
07-06-01 23:00:21
nut5ria1 ::: Favorites
I love too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
07-07-19 13:41:27
Fergusongirl ::: Favorites
Well,did they play it?
07-07-25 04:32:33
noonce ::: Favorites
Nope, they didn't, but they did play Blackout.
07-07-25 16:16:21
CanadasMostWanted ::: Favorites
I love this song..In my top 5 of muse songs.
07-07-31 00:20:51

Dunking Accident!! Very Funny!!!

Duration: 42 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-18 03:56:11
User: PlatinumG
:::: Favorites

Dunking Accident.. lol this is funny

theprod5146 ::: Favorites
AHAHAHAHA if ur the kid then i have one piece of advice for you........ a ball goes through the hoop not a leg
07-08-09 00:07:45
deathshead6989 ::: Favorites
ugly fags
07-08-09 00:12:55
theprod5146 ::: Favorites
dude...... shut the fuck up black or white i dont care, call me a bitch, i dont care JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP
07-08-09 00:19:17
bigdickhavinnigga ::: Favorites
as u can see the conversation was over 2 months ago ur kinda late for that dumbass
07-08-09 12:33:55
theprod5146 ::: Favorites
dont you mean " yo nigga as yo can see this shit was goin down 2 fucken months ago u be wayyy off dumbass....... but thanks for dropping the nigger act :)
07-08-09 12:43:00
bigdickhavinnigga ::: Favorites
i only act like that wen dumb white racist bitches like u talk shit on utube for no fuckin reason jus mind ya fuckin biz wasnt nobody talkin to u dickhead
07-08-09 12:46:54
theprod5146 ::: Favorites
up here comes the nigger talk again..... and if it was over 2 months ago your pathetic for still checking up comments
07-08-09 12:48:33
bigdickhavinnigga ::: Favorites
actually dumbass, my email said sumone replied to my comment and y the fuck do u care anyway white power
07-08-09 12:51:56
theprod5146 ::: Favorites
WHITE POWER ALL HAIL THE KKK AND WHEN I SAY "ALL" i mean the niggers.... wooooo im such a racist..... you keep telling yourself that. the DUMB black bitches, such as yourself, beleive when a white guy argues w/ them that automatically makes them a racist. get a life
07-08-09 12:59:39
jamycrothers ::: Favorites
i laughed so hard i tears came to my eyes XD lol what an idiot
07-08-10 08:29:53


Duration: 209 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-12 21:31:30
:::: Favorites


peneke ::: Favorites
great film xDDD
07-04-09 13:08:57
Drummers4JC ::: Favorites
david luckey is the best drummer of the world! david if you see this contact with me please please
07-04-22 05:33:26
sarmien ::: Favorites
ES UNA BENDICION!!!111111111111
07-04-24 20:11:06
Santo y Poderoso....... Fuerte y Valienteeeeeeee.....ALELUYAAAAAAA!!!!!!
07-05-06 11:26:35
suacamal ::: Favorites
una bendicion
07-05-10 19:58:26
impalasix8 ::: Favorites
que hermosa!!!!q dios y la santa virgen los bendiga..
07-05-11 00:55:02
Ivida66 ::: Favorites
Asi es brother... aunque no quieran y desprecien a la madrecita de DIOS, nosotros sigamola honrando al igual que CRISTO, que no conocio pecado, debio honrarla en su paso por la tierra y seguira haciendolo en el cielo, ya que ella, la "llena de gracia" estara alla con El.
07-08-09 16:02:36
Irra1090 ::: Favorites
Edwin Sepulveda,eres una bendicion Hermano.Que lindo que es Senor te siga usando,para seguir bendiciendonos con ese Sax. Beautiful.
07-06-20 00:23:18
wesleylopez13 ::: Favorites
que toda rodilla se doble ante Dios todopoderso
07-07-24 11:12:44
abelitvam ::: Favorites
de verdad que esta alabansa es para dar un grito de jubilo
07-08-02 20:32:34

Sailor Moon

Duration: 83 seconds
Upload Time: 05-12-29 23:38:22
:::: Favorites

Sailor Moon

abeja13 ::: Favorites
i love sailor moon XD but... never change the song T_T
07-05-29 20:54:34
an1m3g1rl ::: Favorites
sailor moon was my frist animeshow i watched i just love sailor moon....its just old
07-06-09 23:54:13
kenyah09 ::: Favorites
STOP YOUTUBE! For your information, Youtube is getting rid of all Anime videos.Every night at 10:00p.m. they have a maintenence that deletes any videos that are Anime...To stop Youtube from doing this, You need to get enough people to Protest...To do this, please help by Copying and Pasting this message to all of the Anime Videos from being deleted
07-06-15 15:05:07
realmiker ::: Favorites
just delete all the anime
07-06-28 12:25:42
Sesshigirl ::: Favorites
I agree, the American version had alot cut out >.<
07-07-15 21:56:06
Jordylee96 ::: Favorites
i like the songs with more rythym llike this one
07-08-06 04:10:47
steelrubber ::: Favorites
best op and song ever
07-08-06 06:19:53
DementedHoundour ::: Favorites
^_^ Yay! Somebody agrees! *glomp*
07-08-09 14:22:42
ShinjuHoshi ::: Favorites
the american song is way better!!!
07-08-09 14:37:40
ShinjuHoshi ::: Favorites
i mean the video
07-08-09 14:38:20

Polish police has killed fan part. 1

Duration: 49 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-08 02:02:23
User: taktojaa
:::: Favorites

Unikatowy (po raz pierwszy na internecie) pokazany film, gdzie po jednym z meczów kibicowi wracającemu z meczu motocyklem została zagrodzona droga ( przez policjanta ) i zostały otwarte drzwi, które kibica stoczyły z toru, po czym wpadł pod autokar. Pomimo wysilku lekarzy i kilkuminutowej reanimacji kibic zmarl. Cz. 2 Pokój jego duszy.

huderlawy ::: Favorites
skurwiele jebrane! i oni się nazywają strużami prawa?? to nie jeden taki przypadek,widziałem tutaj też jak niewinnego człowieka wpierdalają na siłe do radiowozu i uważają że gość zrobił napad,to nic jeszcze bywa że skurwiele łapią narkomanów,po przeszukaniu albo oczekują na zwitek kasy albo biorą cie na komende i twoją działke sami spożywają
07-07-29 07:10:38
hwdpjebac ::: Favorites
nie mieszkam w bloku,tylko w domu,nie siedze na klatce,ale na ławce,i studiuje...wiec nie trafiłeś,i zlewam Twoje uwagi,a teksty typu ,,skok z 10 pietra,, sa naprawde banalne,prostuj mnie rodzice
07-07-29 07:38:18
hwdpjebac ::: Favorites
i jeszcze jedno, mam powody żeby pierdolic psiarnie, nie byłes to bedziesz w takiej sytuacji i zobaczymy jaka wtedy bedziesz miał gadane
07-07-29 07:40:14
PolskaUrban ::: Favorites
hwdp Pokój jego duszy.
07-08-04 20:54:58
Manchesterowiec ::: Favorites
[*] Nie komentuje tego... [*]
07-08-06 06:24:34
Mistic92 ::: Favorites
co ten gosc tam robi?? i czego ten film ma taki tytuł?? co to ma wspólnego z policją, i czego wy jej tak nielubicie??
07-08-08 10:35:03
Villar1991 ::: Favorites
JEBAĆ TYCH SKUWRYSYNÓW!!! co te kórwy sobie myślą?,że co ma ptaszka na czapce to jest fajny?! Gówno prawda jest niefajny!!! Policja cały syf naszego narodu... Jebać ich w dupe!!!
07-08-08 16:10:55
taktojaa ::: Favorites
Unikatowy (po raz pierwszy na internecie) pokazany film, gdzie po jednym z meczów kibicowi wracającemu z meczu motocyklem została zagrodzona droga ( przez policjanta ) i zostały otwarte drzwi, które kibica stoczyły z toru, po czym wpadł pod autokar. Pomimo wysilku lekarzy i kilkuminutowej reanimacji kibic zmarl. cześc druga filmiku jest pod tytułem "POLICJA ZABIŁA KIBICA CZ.2" , wystarczy poszukać w wyszukiwarce
07-08-09 11:59:14
taktojaa ::: Favorites
sprawa była głośna w mediach, dziwie się że 2/4 tutejszych nie słyszała o tym, ten pies co zabił chłopaka dostał 3 lata i wypierdol z psiarni
07-08-09 11:59:31
radziklbn ::: Favorites
verschlechterung , nie zaslugujesz na zycie, gdybym cie spotkal zmasakrował bym cie dłonmi.... szkoda jak kazdego czlowieka [*]
07-08-11 14:07:29

Tom Green puts a dildo in sushi!

Duration: 99 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-17 15:08:25
User: demite
:::: Favorites

Fucking hilarious. Ive seen this so many times and i swear its almost addictively funny. You'll definately laugh. Tom Green puts a dildo, a walkie talkie and a camera in a sushi conveyor belit! hilarious!

lestatlovesblood ::: Favorites
tom's stuff is geting old he's trying to hard man
07-07-28 16:46:33
bbeastieboy ::: Favorites
07-07-28 21:37:47
xzibit684 ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:17:42
ganton18181818 ::: Favorites
shut up you ...and just laugh at it
07-08-03 13:05:22
aisrael1 ::: Favorites
Stupid lady gave him back the camera
07-08-04 04:48:05
Houminid ::: Favorites
I wonder what the people were thinking?
07-08-04 08:46:13
dethbiker ::: Favorites
Japanese people are very, very polite. But you do not FUCK with their sushi.
07-08-04 16:56:37
waystodie ::: Favorites
07-08-06 21:42:33
juanplomeli ::: Favorites
07-08-08 17:23:11
mobsta8890 ::: Favorites
Im a Dildo!
07-08-10 19:10:59

Israeli Spy Ring in the USA Exposed

Duration: 547 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-15 05:39:34
User: redneck0z
:::: Favorites

Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring that was exposed in the US.

corvusblog ::: Favorites
That Israeli 9/11 propaganda you just described has nothing to do with the facts of this video and Israeli spying on the USA. Your cheap decoy trick doesn't work here, bubba. investigate911dotcom
07-04-17 19:02:34
corvusblog ::: Favorites
That Israeli 9/11 propaganda you just described has nothing to do with the facts of this video and Israeli spying on the USA. Your cheap decoy trick doesn't work here, bubba. investigate911dotcom
07-04-17 19:02:43
corvusblog ::: Favorites
That Israeli 9/11 propaganda you just described has nothing to do with the facts of this video and Israeli spying on the USA. Your cheap decoy trick doesn't work here, bubba. investigate911dotcom
07-04-17 19:02:49
theorangebucket ::: Favorites
Wale up, sheeple! Israel is no friend. Learn our REAL history. iamthewitness DOT COM whatreallyhappened DOT COM
07-05-12 15:28:33
alphautubeone ::: Favorites
07-06-03 11:50:26
redneck0z ::: Favorites
The "dancing spies" are not lies. They were found and held by US authrorites before being deported to Israel and appearing in a press conference there. They claimed there was nothing suspicious about them filming the two plane crashes and celebrating as they happened.
07-06-16 12:37:30
PkofPk ::: Favorites
AP:Israeli spying Story an Urban Myth According to Justice Department: camera dot org/index dot asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=38&x_article=147
07-07-05 17:57:11
PkofPk ::: Favorites
911myths dot com/html/dancing_israelis dot html
07-07-05 18:20:16
kenne210 ::: Favorites ironic is that? Their own system compromised their investigation. They started the wire tapping system and the spies used it to find the ones who were investigating them...lmao!
07-07-15 18:47:09
Sinfoniahorn ::: Favorites
Why is a foreign country allowed to do this? Why isnt an American run comany doing what Converse is doing? How can we let a foreign country have that kind of access to our communication systems?
07-08-04 15:32:45

Me with my Kangoo Jumps

Duration: 47 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-15 16:12:44
User: CarlosJulio20
:::: Favorites

Me again but with my Kangoo Jumps like a kangaroo.

baller43 ::: Favorites
tehehehe thats soo stupid =-D whats the point of that when u can just jump? lol
06-09-01 21:53:24
CarlosJulio20 ::: Favorites
fuck you
06-09-12 18:24:15
frutllita ::: Favorites
iidiiotaa. babeqe es muushio mejor qe el SanJudas! OBVIAMENTEE , 1000 vecees!
06-09-24 23:34:39
CarlosJulio20 ::: Favorites
pue jodete
06-09-29 18:04:25
Ronni15 ::: Favorites
lol gay
07-03-06 16:37:25
GabbyHeelys ::: Favorites
wtf are those?
07-04-25 20:12:25
ZER00Sk8 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 09:17:10

Sirius, Lupin... Where'd you go?

Duration: 229 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 19:37:53
User: PrincessPotter16
:::: Favorites

*Read First!!!!!* My 100th Video Specail Woot!!!!! Not my best work but I still love it!!!!! :D This is after Lupin dies in DH. The students attend a Funeral for him and Harry looks back on memories of Lupin and Sirius since he feels that they should be remembered together. However, He cannot fully accept that they are gone.

PrincessPotter16 ::: Favorites
Thank you!! I'd be even happier if people faved it... well if they liked it anyways... :D
07-08-03 21:27:01
kellygirl2002 ::: Favorites
Aww this is so good and sad. Great job. Plus I faved it! :)
07-08-03 22:25:26
junkie4cats ::: Favorites
OMG good
07-08-04 04:43:09
Theaterfreak ::: Favorites
Congrats! 100 vidsis a good title to get up to! This is really good!
07-08-04 06:53:05
lindsroxursox ::: Favorites
i cried so much when lupin died.
07-08-04 23:25:06
AussieMo ::: Favorites
Omg this is so sad!!! :( great vid!!
07-08-05 14:57:23
PrincessNarcissa ::: Favorites
omg! that's so brilliant and really touching... made me cry... :'( it's really worth to be your 100th vid! congratulations, dear ♥ love it soooo much... sirius and remus were two of my favourite characters though... :( ♥♥♥
07-08-05 18:33:18
kaz2603 ::: Favorites
Love it!! Congrats on 100 vids. I still don't think it has sunk in that all the marauders are dead. :'( Even tho I finished the book the day it came out.
07-08-08 17:29:34
thehallowz ::: Favorites
Not bad at all :) Very good actually! Made a couple of Harry Potter vids myself. Come to my profile and watch the if you want.
07-08-11 05:54:23
PrincessPotter16 ::: Favorites
I Will!!!! I'm glad you liked my vid as well!! :)
07-08-11 21:14:16

Edward Scissorhands and Muse

Duration: 246 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-26 05:02:54
User: BeethovenLives
:::: Favorites

Yeah. I know there are tonnes of Ed vids, but as soon as I heard this song I wanted to make a vid with it. Its Fillip by Muse. This isn't my best video, may make another shorter one later. WMM buggered up the scene cuts, its not as smooth as I like, but I couldnt go back and snip some bits because I had the timing good elsewhere and it would mess it up, see what I mean? Grr :D

mcleankmcleank ::: Favorites
love it
06-08-12 07:18:49
Radaj ::: Favorites
One of my favorite movies, and my absolute favorite band. Excellent work. =)
06-10-12 08:25:00
Deppologist ::: Favorites
only matt can sing like that ITS A GOOD THING!!! i heard edward & johnny (my username^^) and MUSE!!! it's my new obsession!!!
06-11-17 00:05:50
pwaller93 ::: Favorites
MUSE ROCK MY WORLD! No offence, but ever since I had to study Edward Scissorhands for school, I have never liked it. So basically I just clicked play and commented peeps on MySpace. Though I did see some of it. Good job. and I absolutely adore Muse. I have the utmost respect for you because you put a Muse song on it, XD .
07-03-10 07:26:30
blahmeh1985 ::: Favorites
OMG I totally love thid video! =]
07-04-11 21:33:30
musewhore ::: Favorites
omg my favourite film with my favourite bands music
07-05-08 19:04:28
illekamille ::: Favorites
love the band and the movie, the song is one of my favourites!!!!
07-05-11 10:30:23
32888999 ::: Favorites
Love Tim Burton, love this film, love Muse!!! xD
07-06-24 15:54:04
caramelpizza ::: Favorites
i loe this movie and this song :D
07-07-07 22:44:56

Who is the Best Anime Girl? ROUND ONE RESULTS!

Duration: 353 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-23 20:55:44
User: the4BEST8Anime
:::: Favorites

It has finally come. Your votes have been counted and the results are here. Who will be leaving us in the beginning of the competition. WHO WILL BE ONE STEP CLOSER TO BECOMING THE BEST ANIME GIRL? Tune in and find out. Contestants for this competition are : Belldandy - Ah! My goddess Chii - Chobits Eureka - Eureka 7 (Seven) Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club Hinata Hyuga (Hyuuga) - Naruto Ino Yamanaka - Naruto Kagome - Inuyasha Kikyo (Kikyou) - Inuyasha May (Haruka) - Pokemon Advance Battle (Battle Frontier) Misuzu Kamio - Air Naru Narusegawa - Love Hina Orihime Inoue - Bleach Rosette Christopher - Chrno (Chrono) Crusade Rukia Kuchiki - Bleach Sakura Haruno - Naruto Sakura Kinomoto - Card Captor Sakura Sango - Inuyasha Temari - Naruto Tenten - Naruto Tohru Honda - Fruits Basket Winry Rockbell - Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) Opening Song - "When Your Looking Like That" by Westlife Results Song - "Love Again" by Cascada Goodbye Song - "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 (five) Ending Song - "Time to Pray" by Andrea NO ONE GET MAD AT THE RESULTS, THIS IS HOW IT CAME OUT AND THEIRS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.

pottervsyo ::: Favorites
07-08-01 21:47:12
obstruccion ::: Favorites
hinata hyuga
07-08-01 22:07:12
sossli ::: Favorites
May (haruka) is the best!
07-08-03 12:43:52
xoInuyashaXKagomexo ::: Favorites
07-08-03 16:10:17
inuyasha1102nick ::: Favorites
Winry Rockbell
07-08-03 19:11:42
keanutheanimeman ::: Favorites
07-08-07 02:14:11
inuyashachobitsfma ::: Favorites
why did Sakura Kiminoto have to go why couldnt Harui or Eureka go?
07-08-08 16:14:59
the4BEST8Anime ::: Favorites
well she was one of the ones with the lowest votes at the time i stoped the voting
07-08-08 23:14:05
CresentMoon02 ::: Favorites
WHO THE HELL DIDN'T VOTE FOR SAKURA KINOMOTO!!!! *cries* she's my favorite. but i do think that eriol should be included in this competition. he may be a guy, but he sounds like a girl. xD not that i hate him or anything though
07-08-11 13:27:10
CresentMoon02 ::: Favorites
since sakura kinimoto is gone, i'm not gonna watch the rest of this competition cuz it'll just blow without sakura. and to the ones that got through (exeptions for winry, chii, orihime, sango, misuzu, tohru, naru, and belldandy) SCREW U SUCKERS!!!!
07-08-11 13:38:30

Spongebob Best Day Ever (Lyrics)

Duration: 181 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-09 22:37:47
User: luisrael2luisrael
:::: Favorites

Lyrics to the "Best Day Ever" Song from Spongebob squarepants

bajibajibaji ::: Favorites
i dont here the miusic
07-08-08 15:53:40
Ihaveadreamthatthere ::: Favorites
i love Spongebob. He's so cool and annoying.
07-08-08 16:12:42
ChrisChris147 ::: Favorites
hehehe he spendsz the last 2 hours juss tyinq hisz shoee wowowowow lol
07-08-08 20:06:24
bobbycluelesser ::: Favorites
how long did it take for you to put this together???
07-08-09 13:49:48
alexbitchyangel ::: Favorites
i &hearts; Spongebob he iz fuking `~uber~`
07-08-09 15:56:49
ihatemichealjackson ::: Favorites
I dont Need Lyrics I got Wii
07-08-10 05:43:41
3rdGood ::: Favorites
I think the lyrics are kinda straight forward... and it's "exrta-ecstatic-fied"
07-08-10 08:43:19
suppersassysaylee23 ::: Favorites
omg he's a realy good singer lol
07-08-10 18:20:10
skyman747 ::: Favorites
he said ectatisfied, is he really happy, or is he talking about drugs IS NICKELODEON TRYING TO GET KIDS TO DO DRUGS.
07-08-11 03:49:37
aznxangelx595 ::: Favorites
this is cute
07-08-11 15:24:24

My Life.. xD

Duration: 277 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 15:44:12
User: Mashimuzy
:::: Favorites

This is part of my life.... :D Well... Its just me and my best friend hanging out and etc... Special Guest Star: Monkeys1189

N1ck14 ::: Favorites
1st comment! woot woot! nice video!
07-07-23 16:05:33
mishedavid ::: Favorites
haha i loved it. esp. the DDR part♥
07-07-23 18:00:14
coolgirl32960 ::: Favorites
07-07-23 18:35:56
N1ck14 ::: Favorites
1st comment n your faces!
07-07-23 18:43:27
Mashimuzy ::: Favorites
haha thanks.. and nick u comment again lol. xD haha yay
07-07-23 19:16:51
newchart ::: Favorites
so you have to tell how did you get her in the video? what did you have to pay? lol
07-07-23 20:09:16
Mashimuzy ::: Favorites
I didn't pay her anything.. She owed me anyways lol.
07-07-23 20:38:10
0xtianx0 ::: Favorites
uggh monkeys1189 cannot record a vid for shizz HAHAHAH jk i love u guys xD
07-07-23 22:41:28
Mashimuzy ::: Favorites
hahaha.. xD :D love u to =D
07-07-23 22:42:17
simmers98 ::: Favorites
great vid! the sideways camera was kinda annoying though lol but other that that it was cool
07-07-24 03:01:01
Mashimuzy ::: Favorites
haha thanks. :D
07-07-24 06:29:31
Simpledreamer ::: Favorites
Haha, you got mad skillz at DDR! Ur life looks so exciting and fun!!! Peace. :D
07-07-25 00:36:00
Mashimuzy ::: Favorites
haha thanks. xD
07-07-29 13:49:37

Ana Free - Crazy

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

MHP2nd Online Quest nr 10 part 3/3+LS 2

Duration: 595 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-08 19:54:11
User: TheTrueBabe
:::: Favorites

part 3/3 and Next part of Lucky Star channel xD

soleshot ::: Favorites
lol i love the part at the end with the lucky channel ^_^ and nice video
07-07-09 05:55:28
idontknow512 ::: Favorites
thx man!
07-07-09 05:57:36
TheTrueBabe ::: Favorites
me2 , she is death serious xD and sometimes cute ^^
07-07-09 17:10:59
clumsygamer ::: Favorites
hey i thought it wasnt supposed to come out in english until august 22 how does he do that
07-07-10 14:08:09
Shogunelite ::: Favorites
That chick's the freakin' devil! All happy and cheerful at first and then the beast is unleashed! XD FUNNY THOUGH!! LOL 5'd
07-07-10 15:28:17
TheTrueBabe ::: Favorites
i patched my japan version so i have 80% of game in english
07-07-10 17:46:16
mhfROCKZ ::: Favorites
whats that red bar under the sharpness gauge?? is it the wyravens health??
07-07-11 05:56:18
TheTrueBabe ::: Favorites
its for the sword combo and increase sharpness when it reach full
07-07-11 16:50:20
Deoxysaway ::: Favorites
the truebabe is no doubt the best monster hunter here but who's video is best?Lets see
07-07-16 03:04:10
Zantaff124 ::: Favorites
nice tachi!
07-07-23 19:06:36