Thursday, September 27, 2007

Anathema - Comfortably Numb - Artmania Sibiu 2007

Duration: 07:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 08:46:44
User: mrjohndoethe1st
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Anathema - Comfortably Numb


Blutzitz ::: Favorites
vai doamne... cel mai fain concert pe care l-am vazut vreodata!
07-08-11 18:11:36
losttoyou ::: Favorites
07-08-07 06:04:27
Keyboardist18 ::: Favorites
TearOfG0d aici ai dreptate. Cu toate ca imi plac si MDB, pot afirma ca Anathema sunt mult mai naturali ;)
07-08-02 08:24:46
TearOfG0d ::: Favorites
Orice ar zice lumea oamenii astia sunt dintre putinii care pun suflet la un concert Am fost in primele randuri si se vedea cat de lejer si fara de menajamente cantau...fata de My Dying Bride... care au jucat o piesa de teatru pe scena.... Anathema trebuiau sa fie headlineri de departe...
07-08-02 04:23:28
magiaru ::: Favorites a fi roman nu e o scuza pentru nimic, orice ar fi, si nici o insulta crasa precum cred ca era menita aprecierea.
07-08-01 12:53:25
magiaru ::: Favorites
amice, e o melodie legendara cantata de o trupa actuala, in stilul lor propriu... ce te vaiti atata? Cat despre coveru DT si Queensryche, e cal la acelasi nivel. Ce-i da plusvaloare e subiectivismul tau, la fel cum plusvaloarea coverului cantat de Anathema e dat de mine si de altii. Atat am avut de spus. Salutari...
07-08-01 12:49:58
pampas28 ::: Favorites
anathema forever!!amazing song!!
07-07-23 21:32:07
GhostOfgrave666 ::: Favorites
la min 2.58 eu sunt aia care tipa!! :)))) doamne nu pot s acred... aveai tricou alb??? sau...poate esti altcineva carea stat langa mine...
07-07-13 18:38:13
GhostOfgrave666 ::: Favorites
doamne aici am stat eu!!!!! vai for god's sake exact aici!!!!!
07-07-13 18:34:01
myasymmetricallife ::: Favorites
evet evet deiller.
07-07-06 18:16:19

Wolfmother - Tales From The Forest Of Gnomes

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-06 03:13:37
User: DunnysVids
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The end of wolfmother playin Tales From The Forest Of Gnomes at Thebarton Theatre on July 13, 2006.


wolfmotherrrr ::: Favorites
LOL maybe more like 10 bottles of teuila.
07-09-13 19:14:00
MilkyWayMarmalade ::: Favorites
Good song. Sucky video- who shot it? after drinking 20 Starbucks and ten lines of coke???
07-09-13 15:24:14
yo9 ::: Favorites
damn i thought they had a new song when i saw gnomes as a song on their site
07-09-04 20:05:28
Vepsebol66 ::: Favorites
whatever, the song rocks!! i love it.
07-08-29 15:38:26
Nevin1343 ::: Favorites
they renamed it to just tales on the us version of the album
07-08-23 10:11:49
notsomuchaguitarhero ::: Favorites
damn straight im right :P
07-08-12 14:07:07
Blazingpizza ::: Favorites
woah your right go wolfmother
07-08-12 13:00:31
57goldtoplespaul ::: Favorites
that you and all chord progressions go the same in blues song 1 4 5 or 1 4 filler 1 4
07-08-02 08:04:57
ederimma ::: Favorites
its called tales on the album, but tales from the forest of gnomes everywhere else. great song :D
07-08-01 12:12:32
nightbecomesday ::: Favorites
the song is called tales
07-07-29 23:09:31


Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-23 23:00:11
User: beebee890
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xxpman95xx ::: Favorites
u fugly ass bitch get ur ass of youtube!!!!!!!
07-07-26 15:20:02
blahyourmumblah ::: Favorites
Why dont you get your 'fugly ass' off of youtube, hm?
07-07-27 08:19:52
xxpoof ::: Favorites
i loveeeeeee uuuuuuu beebee890
07-07-26 00:46:05
Megaaaaaan12 ::: Favorites
Umm..Ok Wuts That Thing Growing On The Side Of Your Face? No Offence But Its Distracting..
07-07-25 01:50:57
kalacaw ::: Favorites
Yeah, you rock! :-)
07-07-24 08:19:36
anothervideochannel ::: Favorites
you rock bee bee Take Care Darrell
07-07-24 00:40:34
UnemployedArgent009 ::: Favorites
I got a haircut just like yours! Please crush a can on your head
07-07-23 23:35:59
antoTV ::: Favorites
beebee man, why are u telling us your busy dude? at least buy im busy in the title or something :P
07-07-23 23:12:50

Nancy Sinatra / Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)

Duration: 03:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 09:15:38
User: TheSongsForYou
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By Fly: "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" Nancy Sinatra (Not official video/Video não oficial)


copodemineral ::: Favorites
great work :D
07-09-23 06:36:40
peacetwi ::: Favorites
odd song....weird..
07-09-22 21:37:55
lirlucax ::: Favorites
07-09-22 05:57:52
LadyDisaster21 ::: Favorites
this song is so weird, dramatic.. But i lOve it so much.
07-09-13 11:52:37
JokerFarmer ::: Favorites
great song
07-09-01 15:19:44
minx22 ::: Favorites
this is weird but i love the song...
07-08-22 16:44:27
asegypt ::: Favorites
my best
07-08-16 12:03:40
sanni73 ::: Favorites
...soooooo cooooool!
07-08-10 20:12:59
PlaygirlX5 ::: Favorites
love this song xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
07-08-08 20:23:20
aisrael1 ::: Favorites
In love with this song
07-08-03 04:13:20

Yamapi- Sawarenai

Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-15 16:44:48
User: xoTxTxo
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Yamapi preforms Sawarenai and adds a little magic trick at the end. the begining has a clip of them doing a photo shoot with snowboards.


nikiichan ::: Favorites
aww such a cute voice as a kid aww when he does the running thingie lol
07-09-24 13:52:42
alison46465589 ::: Favorites
KAWAII~~!!! yamapi is sooo cute lol!!
07-08-05 00:47:52
KrNxlOv3xStOrY ::: Favorites
he looks soo young here, but how old was he? because in the modeling thing, he didnt look 12. but during the concert, he looks so young again ;]]
07-06-27 19:17:14
tehpurplehippo ::: Favorites
wah. he looks like he's 12 here. so cute. ^_^
07-03-17 01:55:31
fifiXstar ::: Favorites
so cute! he is quite skin back then.. ><
07-01-12 06:56:45
AkimotoKumiko ::: Favorites
His voice was proabably breaking at that time. xD Motto Kawaii<3
06-12-07 07:31:12
lhukhe09 ::: Favorites
OMG.. yamapi.. Kawaii.. xDDDDD
06-11-19 08:15:50
CathiiNooyeenii ::: Favorites
Awwweee! Yamapi is so Cuiwee!!(<3___<3)
06-11-16 00:27:49

Exercito, Marinha e FAB do Brasil

Duration: 06:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 19:22:52
User: edup12
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Clip das Forças Armadas do Brasil


SeyaModerador ::: Favorites
07-09-26 16:45:00
alexskhardt ::: Favorites
Eu não tenho 18 anos ainda, mais quando fizer vou me alistar e espero ser chamado para o Exercito. Quero muito entrar. Abraço.
07-09-26 15:42:55
victinhu200891 ::: Favorites
Alem do que hoje em dia nosso exercito taria munido de bons tanques de fabricaçao nacional.
07-09-25 22:07:23
victinhu200891 ::: Favorites
Leopard 1 y Cascavel
07-09-25 22:05:48
olegatavitarovisk ::: Favorites
pela minha patria eu morreria e morro com prazer,pois é nela q meus filhos vivem ,agora pelos politicos q vivem nela nem pensar, pois q morram sozinhos bando de fdp. BRASIL eu TE AMO:VIVA O EXERCITO BRASILEIRO
07-09-15 20:29:58
vitorbrx ::: Favorites
em relaçao aos helicópteros importar mais black hawk, só traria mais despesa com nosso exercito em relaçao a manutençao deles com nossos "amigos".. e nao é "tanque" amigo, nao é de lavar roupa, é VBTP, e cada exército usa um de acordo com a sua necessidade em relaçao ao terreno.. BRAAAAASIL ACIMA DE TUDO ! ! !
07-09-13 23:13:52
vitorbrx ::: Favorites
é meu amigo realmente fuSil ninguem fabrica bem.. mas quem sabe se nós fabricarmos novamente o fuZil FAL, vai ficar mto bom, pq pra falar vc deve ter atirado com ele né? eu atirei.. i sei o quanto é preciso..
07-09-13 23:12:07
dyegotheo ::: Favorites
axo que quem critica negativamente ...nem devia escrever nada aqui, va ver outra coisa ... VIVA O BRASIL
07-09-13 19:19:44
losterinho ::: Favorites
deveriam ser os osórios que são os melhores tanques do mundo
07-09-10 15:53:13
u2muzik ::: Favorites
buenas!! que tanques usan en el ejercito brasilero??
07-09-04 12:13:47

Dan's Party Trick

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-31 07:28:30
User: Abasudika
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Okay, there's this thing I can do with my eyes that freaks people out. Apparently, it's impossible, but I never said I was normal... =8]


Abasudika ::: Favorites
Rock on yourself good TomSter!! You are da man for sure in every sense of manliness and gentlemanliness n' stuff for sure! Keep being those things or I'll have to send out a search party to find the real Tom.. I'm almost a Non-Tuber at present I'm afraid because of my Africa trip coming up on Saturday. I'm nearly ready... Anyways, thank you muchly for your excellent comment, which is indeed the best type of comment, though I'd say it's more of a toM-Type comment!! Speak soon my good man. Dan =:D
07-09-03 23:36:55
Abasudika ::: Favorites
Whoa, I think you win! I can't pop my eyes out! I wanna see your tongue tricks =:P Take care hon. Speak soon. Dan =:D
07-09-03 23:33:03
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites
DaNstermaN! Goshers! You give "Rolling your eyes" a whole new meaning! HahHaa! I tried to do that just now and I think I injured myself! (As usual!) That was sooo cool! And I have only scratched the surface! But enough about my rash.. haha.. just kidding! Hey! I'm making a daN-Type comment! They are the bestest kinds! But annyway.. let's see.. what's in the news todaaay.. Oh well.. outta space! Haha! Rock on! ♫ ToM! ♪
07-08-22 23:11:23
bubblekiller13 ::: Favorites
Oddly enough...that didn't disturb me a bit. I thought it was pretty wicked sweet. I can sort of make my eyes pop out my head. I don't do it often...because it creeps me out. But I can. I'm better with silly tongue tricks anyway. That was still pretty cool. <3
07-08-22 17:48:43
Abasudika ::: Favorites
Thank you Jacky! I aim to disturb. I've got another one coming along very soon... You'll love it, not! Cheers hon. Dan =:D
07-08-21 17:40:40
jacky3708 ::: Favorites
Wow! That was realy Very good!
07-08-20 14:55:45
Abasudika ::: Favorites
Hey Virgil, you certainly get me! Eye see you are very perceptive! Dan =:D
07-08-17 07:31:39
vmandanici ::: Favorites
Eye see your sense of humor now.
07-08-17 01:38:31
pi55takemovies ::: Favorites
I'll bet lol... IT BETTER BE REAL! :P
07-08-10 17:42:01
Abasudika ::: Favorites
LizBiz: Okay okay.. It was editing!!! The hordes of people who believe I can actually do it will be sorely disappointed now... Happy now?! =:S For the next one I'm doing a REAL party trick!! Yey! Stay tuned =:D
07-08-10 07:55:23

Re: Rotting Halloween Pumpkin Time Lapse

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-30 01:00:03
User: beebee890
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Video Cam Direct Upload


alexandrashowswomanz ::: Favorites
The hottest girls are all at STRICTLYHOTTIES . COM (just take out the spaces)
07-08-17 03:30:42
IRideDolphinsNaked ::: Favorites
why couldnt you just commented or messaged him?
07-06-25 00:02:11
Schandmaul24 ::: Favorites
omg, hirnduebel is a talented guy, really impressing artworks, but you my friend are just retarded... stop making ANY videos... get a life, a girlfriend, could be difficult with that face, but okay...
07-03-22 17:39:22
zimfromBM ::: Favorites
Hes right, It was a cool pumpkin.
07-03-13 06:29:55
drumlover1 ::: Favorites
your a gay nerd!
07-03-10 01:11:04
Elite1987 ::: Favorites
stop making videos
07-02-07 11:10:55
MRGUYS ::: Favorites
You have issues....
07-02-04 20:17:02
Hirnduebel ::: Favorites
thanks for recording and telling me this :) it made me smile...stay tuned for new stuff, there's always something coming up... ;)
07-01-30 11:48:40

Hemp Foods on The Roseanne Show

Duration: 09:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-23 19:26:45
User: RRRRRR13
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Hemp foods pioneer and Original Hemp Nut Richard Rose (HempNut Inc., Hemp Foods Association, Hemp Industries Association) appears on The Roseanne Show, Roseanne Barr's afternoon talk show on CBS. They make a potato salad, and talk about all aspects of hemp in an unrehearsed 9 minute piece. Both are dressed all in hemp clothes. Aired July 23, 1999 on CBS-TV in the afternoon, on the west coast immediately after the John Kennedy Jr funeral ceremony. To this day it remains hemp's biggest and longest time on a national TV stage, and an example of the good PR possible when activists and their victim narrative aren't involved. Remember, hemp is high in omega-3, not THC.


Goobian ::: Favorites
This video is informative and funny. I enjoyed how she went around eating everything in sight saying "oh this is good, what is it again? Oh what is this! Oh this is good! Hemp burger? Yum this is good!" Being a former fat gal I bet she's not a picky eater.
07-09-21 21:03:45
ozfucvk ::: Favorites
Hello! I grow hemp, and illegal Marijuana in my home here in Canada ;)! I use the hemp for almost all foords that I prepare, and I feel super healthy! Thanks Hemp! Also... for the Marijuana, well you can figure that out! ;) Overgrow the government!
07-08-25 11:37:09
ozfucvk ::: Favorites
lol you can smoke it... you wont get high though
07-08-25 11:35:10
tarvensays ::: Favorites
and they would use less water.. and they would get yeild every 2months instead of only one harvest per yer. and they can sell it for more than cotton, and they could get more tonnege per hectare! its amazing
07-08-07 08:34:29
tarvensays ::: Favorites
thats roseanne, thats american culture 101, also dont u know who roseanne is? she is obnoxious haha
07-08-07 08:32:06
tarvensays ::: Favorites
did you pay attention to this video, its not about getting high its about a better solution to most of the problems humans have, look it up.. hemp is not weed// you dont smoke it and/or get high from it.
07-08-07 08:30:38
RRRRRR13 ::: Favorites
Sure, feel free. Here's the lighter. Want a Snickers bar with that?
07-08-06 03:22:37
shadymay17 ::: Favorites
thanks roseanne for putting this info on national television. hemp is the answer to alot of the worlds problems!!
07-08-05 03:14:55
mansonssecretluvr ::: Favorites
i have one question and please reply to me i am super serious if your shirt is made of hemp can you smoke it? O-o
07-08-03 05:24:42
enjoypot ::: Favorites
I fail to see the problem with getting high...stop supporting/protecting corrupt & greedy corporations & the politicians they support...power to the people
07-06-24 06:51:33

Ecce Homo

Duration: 07:50 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-12 17:17:39
User: roberuaiat
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"Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) interweaves images form Jean Genet's masterpiece, Un Chant d'Amour with images from gay male sex films. It forces the viewer to question the point of view in looking at "pornographic" images. A.I.D.S. hysteria portrays gay sex as pornographic, politically incorrect, sinful, or, at best, a public health hazard. Ecce Homo asks whether the taboo is against gay sex or against seeing gay sex." A film by Jerry Tartaglia, 1989. Available at


PartyWebcamGirl ::: Favorites
Cool Video,my website _CAMSHOWWS.COM_ in my profile has my personal videos, my profile has the link.
07-09-27 03:37:53
PartyWebcamGirl ::: Favorites
Cool Video,my website _CAMSHOWWS.COM_ in my profile has my personal videos, my profile has the link.
07-09-27 03:37:53
tubeplayer69 ::: Favorites
who made this???
07-08-18 17:37:59
tubeplayer69 ::: Favorites
please conyact museumman org
07-08-18 16:37:59
ashlynnhbikini ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM for the hottest FREE webcams views
07-08-14 20:28:37
Hihaleodie ::: Favorites
this is so much more then just showing porn... It's art... it's art... what more can I say, then, it's art...
07-07-09 12:08:40
tckronos ::: Favorites
This is breath taking, its going to be removed tho :( i ripped a copy of it so it wont be lost to censorship blackhole (atleast for me) :)
07-06-16 12:34:28
oriveiro ::: Favorites
This is overwelming. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Good work.
07-04-12 17:28:25
dlsharp9989 ::: Favorites
Using Jean Genet requires a certain amount of intellectual bravery as well as integrity. Using his work as an artifice for self indulgence doesn't work. Great idea though.
07-03-14 16:16:22
KittyKittz ::: Favorites
07-02-04 00:04:16

Headhunterz vs Abject - Scantraxx Rootz

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 09:43:57
User: Snowdogg007
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De lange versie van Headhunterz vs Abject - Scantraxx Rootz...Luister en geniet;)


markieshark ::: Favorites
lekker lekker en jaah het is hardstyle mrjaa genoeg gezijk :P
07-09-26 11:00:19
BunchOfArrGarr ::: Favorites
we weten nu allemaal wel dat het hardstyle is ;) en het is geen hardcore
07-09-25 15:08:23
HardCore4LIFE14555 ::: Favorites
rofl als dit jumpstyle is. dan wil ik liever nie tweten wat hardcore is xD. btw nice nummer ;)
07-09-24 14:02:20
DjSeduc ::: Favorites
HARDSTYLE 4 LIFE......! Grtz DjSeduc (hardstyle Dj)
07-09-23 10:50:13
insanehardstyle ::: Favorites
nu style <3<3<3
07-09-22 12:13:50
M077307 ::: Favorites
this song owns O) hardstyle!!!!!
07-09-19 16:55:04
viperdon86 ::: Favorites
i could send u all the Hardstyle u want ;)
07-09-18 04:42:46
jkey999112 ::: Favorites
i love this hardstyle music if anyone could send me a few tracks like this 1 id be happy its not easy to come by over in the u.k thanks guys
07-09-17 13:35:43
vuurvuur ::: Favorites
Veenendaal :>
07-09-16 07:00:00
Frings04 ::: Favorites
Yeah ! this is Hardstyle, not jumpstyle or Hardcore... the base is to hard for jumpstyle, and to slow for hardcore. btw Headhunterz rule ! 22-09-07 Time-out, te Gemert
07-09-15 18:29:42

ВИА Гра - Поцелуи (Via Gra - Potselui)

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-03 17:16:19
User: ninoferrare
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The new video of Via Gra, from the New Album taht will come out in 27 september: POTSELUI.


freeloaner85 ::: Favorites
We need Olga back. I loved her the most and she was the youngest member of the group.
07-09-27 02:24:27
DreamwayAmy ::: Favorites
Where is Vera?I like Vera most. ВИА Гра is totally different after she gone. Q_Q
07-09-26 20:39:18
ingramm2007 ::: Favorites
не плохо!
07-09-26 18:57:39
persiaran ::: Favorites
where Vera..??
07-09-26 04:47:55
hidkz ::: Favorites
I miss Vera T_T~
07-09-25 21:49:45
singledaynick ::: Favorites
The Video is very interesting and the Song is also beautiful. Respect :)
07-09-23 09:38:53
maxencerusse ::: Favorites
aesthetically, this video is so russian! (plz dont involve the russian/ukraine debate/bullshit)... I just mean the aesthetics is very russian. a popularized version of the russian poetics.
07-09-21 12:34:12
Valefor83 ::: Favorites
nice music but the words are... Lead me with your hand, cover me from the fullmoon... nah
07-09-21 09:19:55
freeloaner85 ::: Favorites
i still don't know whether to like this song or not. But funny this song keeps playing in my head. I don't understand the words but the music won't stop playing in my head. but the music just don't sound as strong as their other songs. oh well, not all their songs can be perfect.
07-09-21 01:18:06
freeloaner85 ::: Favorites
i wish there were three members, they were more enjoyable to watch. i don't really like duos, but since i've been listening to their music for some time now, i will still be their fan.
07-09-20 12:50:48

Peter Toh - Ages

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-01 02:00:19
User: hiddentrack12
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The "Ages" music video by Peter Toh, from the "Shoes of a Beast" EP. Check out more at This video was made by The Sandbox Group. - Hidden Track TV (lyrics) i tried to write you a letter, but you changed your address soon as you could, and changed your name, i tried to locate anyone who knew your whereabouts and i lied and stole and cheated said i needed nothing more than to hear your voice, oh won't you come around, i haven't seen you in a long time, and now it feels like it's been ages, i'm sick of all the games we play, it's giving me the shakes it makes me lose my mind, and now it feels like it's been ages, we used to scream hallelujah at the top of our lungs, what have you done with your life in your hands when my search team is on twenty for hour search with a high beam in a helicopter but baby don't worry my words are credible, the world is in danger and you're incredible, and we need a hero, a superhero, we can't behave at all


OAXM202 ::: Favorites
Really, that was one of the best songs I've listened to in a long time. I really enjoyed it.
07-08-23 14:50:27
acehydro06 ::: Favorites
very good man!!
07-08-23 14:03:27
Mandaunique ::: Favorites
This was an awesome song.. with a great video, I'm very impressed. You have talent... Keep running with it!
07-08-12 05:42:04
ijustsleep ::: Favorites
I like this one a lot
07-07-21 15:11:36
xXxOHxNOxXx ::: Favorites
ooh, im not to keen but hey ^__^
07-07-20 20:01:44
caglarnurgul ::: Favorites
very nice!!
07-07-06 12:57:43
enjoythevoyage ::: Favorites
Woweewow!! I am blown away by your talent & skills and can see why you are so popular!1 In no way am I ever going to be in your league!! I do know how to communicate my feelings! I think that this is my strength! I am slowly learning some technical skills as well! I also am passionate about my beliefs!5 superstars for you (both? all?)I'll get it all figured out because I am a quick study!
07-06-28 15:28:13
modernoracle ::: Favorites
Most excellent tune! Fantastic!
07-06-26 20:48:17
tecnique000 ::: Favorites
great track mr toh
07-06-16 13:53:40
weardat711 ::: Favorites
peter toh is cool beanz
07-06-06 14:57:07