Thursday, October 11, 2007


Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-03 20:04:38
User: 17share
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  一张似乎将要被人遗忘的脸。红的胭脂白的水粉。长发披肩,耳环摇曳。星光一样的眼眸,在你未定神的刹那,早已夺了你的魂魄。   一九八七年的《倩女幽魂》。两个应该要记住的名字。王祖贤、张国荣。   多情的应是那一身白裙的女鬼。王祖贤演绎的聂小倩。粉黛轻施的艳丽容颜,举手投足的妙曼身姿,于晚间的黑色里,飘逸在幻蓝幻蓝的夜间山林,以女色相诱,为千年的老树精寻找精壮的男人,在半推半就的瞬间,女鬼足间的铃铛响起,于是片刻间阴风阵阵,风云变色,千年的树精不知从何处遁地而来,迅速吸干男人的血肉......   偏偏遇上傻气固执的书生。张国荣头戴方巾,身着长衫,一个倜傥的俊俏男子。   于是,一场人鬼之恋没有预兆的发生。   兰若寺。一个让人谈虎色变的废弃寺庙。置落于山林的黑暗角落。倒塌的墙破败的窗,头颅遍地,乌鸦满天。这样一个杳无人迹的地方,傻而倔强的书生一个人前来投宿。   人鬼的邂逅,不与风流。多的是哭泣与泪水,多的是怅惘与叹息。多的是心碎和疼痛。   纱帐低垂的水榭楼台琴声轻扬,在无边的夜色里幽幽飘摇,像一股若有若无的青烟在静谧的空间里流失。女鬼,披轻绡,衣云罗,在淡淡的熏香烟雾里,端坐于案前抚琴。此时此刻,千般的妩媚万种的风情便在无边无际的夜色里蔓延开来。   傻的书生寻觅而至,一场雪月风花巫山云雨不可避免。多情的女鬼没有摇响足间的铃铛。因为,爱情已经在心间潜滋暗长。   然而毕竟人鬼殊途。女鬼终究不是书生的比翼鸟双飞燕。女鬼要被迫嫁与黑山老妖。   但是傻的书生固执而倔强,决定救女鬼脱离苦海投胎转世,于是和兰若寺的老道士一起降妖除魔。   最动人的是结局。   天光渐亮,云开雾散。早晨的阳光从破败的纸窗缝隙漏进小屋。女鬼徘徊在自己的骨灰坛边:回到坛子里便可再世为人,然而回到坛子里,便是永远的离别,此生便再也看不到书生。   书生手忙脚乱地关上窗户,用身体挡住阳光,一边垂泪,一边却催促女鬼快点回到自己的骨灰坛子中......   几许考量,几许回眸,几许回望,于是,再也不相见了。   是无聊的时候借回来的碟。《倩女幽魂》是早已看过的片子了。原本,借回来第一部。然后再到店里找第二部第三部。重复,是因为有喜欢的画面和一种说不出的情愫在里面。   而现在一不是1987,不是1993。   而现在哥哥张国荣到了另一个世界王祖贤也不在出现在荧屏。   像一些东西的流逝,我们看不见,却刻骨铭心的疼。   无法改变的疼。    倩女幽魂   歌手:张国荣   专辑:拒绝再玩   人生路美梦似路长   路里风霜风霜扑面干   红尘里美梦有几多方向   找痴痴梦幻中心爱   路随人茫茫   人生是美梦与热望   梦里依稀依稀有泪光   何去何从去觅我心中方向   风仿佛在梦中轻叹   路和人茫茫   人间路快乐少年郎   路里崎岖崎岖不见阳光   泥尘里快乐有几多方向   一丝丝梦幻般风雨   路随人茫茫   一丝丝梦幻般风雨   路随人茫茫 URL for the theme song: (mandarin version) (cantonese version)


mtedora ::: Favorites
and the theme song is so incredibly beautiful and sad it makes me MISS this movie terribly! (my fav' Fantasy film still, after all these years!)
07-06-21 19:06:14
effendy0280 ::: Favorites
do u have the mandarin version
07-05-19 09:31:31
lucie2lucie ::: Favorites
love this movie--i hope tsui hark make more movie like this one--wish there were more movie like the old ones
07-05-12 02:10:28
steeltail ::: Favorites
I've been looking for this song~ thank you!
07-05-02 23:57:35
classicleon ::: Favorites
Classic!!! I love this movie very very much!
07-04-26 17:12:44
tooru998 ::: Favorites
I love this film..
07-02-03 02:40:32
Mu3derj0e ::: Favorites
i love this movie too^^
07-01-12 16:33:12
jackywong77777 ::: Favorites
omfg i love this movie can any 1 upload?
07-01-06 19:39:22
AzMine ::: Favorites
I love the story.
06-09-28 01:45:28
AzMine ::: Favorites
06-09-28 01:41:41

Glasgow Survival Ned v Goth

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-24 11:55:50
User: glasgowsurvival
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a goth unfortunately meets a group of neds


euangoeswild ::: Favorites
chavs are a bunch of neds
07-08-30 20:49:53
euangoeswild ::: Favorites
class, "you killed him by the way" lol i dont like goths or neds much
07-08-30 20:49:09
MTE88 ::: Favorites
Fuckin yasss fuck that goth up neds are class fuck goths
07-08-23 14:09:21
celticnutjob ::: Favorites
wots this cock on -neds are a bunch of chavs- hah
07-08-07 00:34:10
zbelm ::: Favorites
And it's not just goths or weirdos in general they pick on. They'll always do it as a gang though, the wee dicks. I know a guy got jumped late one weekend in Bath St., got his skull fractured. He's not a guy who picks fights, dresses normally, but he's tall. Wee cunts probably think they're tough ganging up on a big guy.
07-08-02 13:26:35
Lostfaith1980 ::: Favorites
Thats the reality of living in the uk and being a goth. I should know I've had stuff like that happen to me a number of time when coming across neds.
07-08-02 02:24:17
core1976scotland ::: Favorites
Typical weekend!! ie junkies & nutters
07-07-21 15:20:31
Nidodork ::: Favorites
neds are a bunch of chavs but i agree with you anyway
07-07-19 09:53:32
TyreNumburWan ::: Favorites
MattHeafyLegend (1 week ago) Marked as spam fuck the neds mon the goths! Fuck yursel ya wee basturd
07-07-15 19:16:52
Mort450 ::: Favorites
Man that was so funny, I laughed so hard I nearly threw up. Props to Europe. "Ye sorry your a goth" gg, no matter what you all say, even if its 100% real, that is funny
07-07-11 09:44:59

Republic of China VS japan arms

Duration: 04:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-24 01:49:58
User: m1a2111
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Republic of China(Taiwan) Two world wars,China with Japan's war record


zhanjie2007 ::: Favorites
Hi,guy,what's your nationality?why hate taiwan but love china and jap?(老兄,你哪国人啊,为什么恨台湾而爱中国跟日本阿?)
07-10-10 08:39:26
candygeerl ::: Favorites
You Japanese are just "polite" on your face. pretending being polite is your tradition, smiling with hiding blade is what you like to do. You even want deny what you have done in 2nd world war. We blame you because we know how nasy, cruel inside you. And we hate you, we say what we thought, not like you, such FAKE POLITE.
07-10-08 19:09:49
seanx23 ::: Favorites
犯我强汉者,虽远必诛 为在抗战中牺牲的国军将士们致敬 脱帽,敬礼! Great! me too
07-10-05 22:19:07
seanx23 ::: Favorites
Taiwan belongs to China and lots of people in Taiwan are going to the Mainland China. Japan also came from China... but long time ago unlike Taiwan, Japan uses Chinese writing Instruments. Kanji, Karate was derived from Marshal arts in China. China,Japan and Taiwan are all closely related. Next time i hear fucking commies Fuck you whoever is saying shit. I can call you stupid ass american trash. DON"T BE RACIST
07-10-05 22:18:42
bluetung ::: Favorites
Taiwan is the TRUE " China"..
07-10-04 05:47:28
heroliuw ::: Favorites
犯我强汉者,虽远必诛 为在抗战中牺牲的国军将士们致敬 脱帽,敬礼! from AnHui
07-10-03 14:49:30
hehehehehehejk ::: Favorites
ı hate taiwan.god bless China and Japan
07-10-01 16:24:30
tHeWasTeDYouTh ::: Favorites
fuck the commies nationalist forces kciked ass
07-09-30 09:31:15
Gjkl345 ::: Favorites
Support by the ppl? Yeah,that's what the commmunis teaching you... Oh right and when America says support the people or when another country that doesnt fit to your bias, racial needs, we can all say that Chinese were the only one to say support the country or that i am proud to be Chinese was a communism attempt!Oh yes and Im America so Im proud to be American and I support China and her/my people.If that makes me communist then go ahead kill me for it.
07-09-29 18:11:35
Gjkl345 ::: Favorites
Ooo thats right and by that same logic The Germans are still nazis cause not so long ago they believed in nazism or because Sadam and Osama caused fear aganist the enemies and thier people means that everyone from that race is the same evil doer without knowledge of right or wrong?Now that Mao is dead and now that China has taken a step forward in being a world power, you honestly think, you can honestly look at me when you say all Chinese support communism when you dont even know these people?
07-09-29 18:06:11

Steyr aug ( Airsoft )

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 06:22:45
User: ukburger
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this is me demonstrating the Steyr aug


ukburger ::: Favorites
no it is for non Irish people and yes your amrys are great and i did not mean to insult you ( i have alot of irish in me as well )
07-10-10 16:25:24
jimbobak47 ::: Favorites
what do you mean by "belive it or not" when you say the irish army, we have a serious army thank you very much(very funny vid)
07-10-10 15:52:51
ukburger ::: Favorites
ok yes it is good you pointed it out
07-10-01 05:08:08
ShortGuy1792 ::: Favorites
I know it doesn't matter. I just figured I'd be a smart ass. :P
07-09-30 18:23:37
ukburger ::: Favorites
it dosen't matter if i got it wrong a tiny bit but i am happy you enjoyed
07-09-30 13:34:22
ShortGuy1792 ::: Favorites
I would like to point out an inaccuracy. The Steyr AUG is a compact assault rifle not a sub machine gun. SMGs fire pistol rounds, and assault rifles fire rifle rounds. In any case that is my favorite assault rifle as well. This was quite an amusing video. Stupid boarder jumpers and their Mexican speaking shenanigans...
07-09-29 22:54:44
ukburger ::: Favorites
lanc i know if you want er cousin dead go to p90tr
07-09-17 04:27:03
lancevance47 ::: Favorites
oh thank god, now then, your next target is her cousin, diego!!!! he teaches about animal rights, and ethics... sick bastard...
07-09-03 22:53:09
pr23m0 ::: Favorites
aaaaaaaaaa MY LOVE STEYRRRRRR :****
07-08-27 19:58:12
danhatechav ::: Favorites
oh ok thanks.......airsoftwarrior dot co dot uk  thanks
07-08-23 08:07:42

steve and bob splinter cell theater 5

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-25 21:36:53
User: djwes35
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birthday party


minaminokyoko ::: Favorites
"Shut up! Splinter Cells aren't supposed to whine like bitches!" XDDD
07-09-26 17:23:14
Daisygurl33 ::: Favorites
Dude your relly a double agent!? {beep}! i was juss messing with you as a birthday suprise! LMAO! XD
07-09-25 23:46:09
Dragonwings39 ::: Favorites
Iam like Bob. Can u forgive me? No Fuck u!!! lol
07-08-09 04:13:30
falzyk ::: Favorites
lol that is the best thing i ever seen :D very funny!!!!
07-08-08 16:07:16
ClipHater ::: Favorites
is there a 6?
07-08-06 06:20:49
jibran666 ::: Favorites
"can u forgive me?" "NO (beep) U!" lolz!!!XD
07-07-02 03:06:31
MetallicaFan58 ::: Favorites
No, but i like to. If u dont like it, deal with it.
07-06-28 13:24:02
whackamole43 ::: Favorites
All the bob and steve vids r hillarious! Bob is such a retard in the good way.
07-06-25 14:01:29
donithiniscool ::: Favorites
You think you can ever forgive me? NO FUCK U... LOL, I loved that...
07-06-25 03:31:38
Shad0wz69 ::: Favorites
ohhhh...the drama
07-06-23 21:37:47


Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 20:14:04
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badoocee ::: Favorites
07-10-08 00:56:10
porkchop1verizon ::: Favorites
only a woman can make ya feel this way...then fix it all with a hint of a smile! god bless you ladies!
07-10-03 06:25:50
keikocat2001 ::: Favorites
Sidenote: The winner of Season 2 (or maybe it was 3) is a really cute boy, and his album sold around 300,000 copies. His 2nd is just coming out, so I guess you could say he's a star by Cdn. standards. You have to remember that there are less people in Canada than there are in California.
07-09-18 22:31:42
keikocat2001 ::: Favorites
Hell no. We copy EVERYTHING. Canada's Next Top Model, etc. (Just waiting for a production of Canada's Got Talent - curious to see if we have any.) Although I have to agree that 34 albums is pretty excessive. Even the winner of the first contest saw his album bomb big time, so I don't know what the other 33 were thinking. The actual point of the article was that it is so easy for "artists" to produce and market their own CD's.
07-09-18 22:28:27
57highland ::: Favorites
Canadian Idol? Oh no! I thought the Moose Nation was culturally superior to its southern neighbor! I tend to think an "Idol" contestent/winner hasn't paid the same dues as pre-Idol performers, but you're probably right about the market, though 34 albums from a mere 4 seasons of CI seems rather a lot. Could that be a crazy music industry trying to make a quick score on marginally talented but abundantly exposed performers?
07-09-18 20:35:34
keikocat2001 ::: Favorites
Hi highland: Maclean's (our national newsmagazine) did a story recently about the 34 albums released by the alumni of 4 seasons of Canadian Idol. (One sold less than 100 copies, 1 less than 1000.) It's just that there is a glut of marginally to really talented people, & the market can only bear so much. Look at Joan Osborne - very talented & she was dropped by her record company. Was lucky enough to have a hit show pick 1 of her songs as its theme & revive her career.
07-09-17 21:23:32
57highland ::: Favorites
I think the music business sort of guarantees that only a few groups will last more than 2 or 3 years, with even some of the very talented going by the wayside at that point. Or the groups have their internal problems and break up. But you're absolutely right about songs like this not aging at all.
07-09-16 23:46:46
57highland ::: Favorites
Pop music doesn't get much better than this.
07-09-13 18:49:51
57highland ::: Favorites
Remember my "most awful" day at work? Well, the next day (Monday), I had words with my boss. Had to go into HER boss's office for a 3-way and had to kiss and make up. Still got a verbal warning for my smart mouth. We're all back on our merry way. Indeed, it was "Stormy".
07-09-11 19:17:32
keikocat2001 ::: Favorites
kiwi, kiwi, you're among friends ... no need to lie like that!
07-09-11 18:50:01

Hell in your Eyes - Orgy f. Korn

Duration: 05:47 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-26 04:55:06
User: TheOnlyDRAGooN
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Queen of the Damned Soundtrack


chan2426joy ::: Favorites
dark,deep and out there
07-10-08 23:20:30
SexyElenaCam ::: Favorites
hmm cool video!! ;) hey guys, check my profile, u will like what u see, its my LIVE CAM! ;)
07-09-21 11:52:13
pillowfightqueen ::: Favorites
dude, is this song on myspace at all???
07-09-20 21:22:55
SexyElenaCam ::: Favorites
hmm cool video!! ;) hey guys, check my profile, u will like what u see, its my LIVE CAM! ;)
07-09-20 16:29:20
twiztidlestat ::: Favorites
Your a fucking douche. Lestat is a CHARACTER. Jonathan Davis wrote this. NOT LESTAT OR ANNE RICE. This lyrics are about a VAMPIRE PISSED OFF AT IMMORTALITY. How the HELL can you relate to that
07-09-08 10:54:38
marin1331 ::: Favorites
awesome song i love it and orgy dosent sing it jay gordon dose!!and its not korn and jonathan davis dosent really sing at all in this song i dont even think he sings in this song!!!!! but yea lots of people can realte to it not just u!! i can relate to this song i bet u do to but not just u!!anyways awesome song jay is soooo hot
07-08-29 17:36:17
angel2psycho ::: Favorites
yea that was a lot of posts.. I can see your point though lol.. I dont know just I dont know to many people like me... It sucks really....
07-08-27 05:13:45
angelofscreams96 ::: Favorites
wow that was a bit of typing there haha took what like only 4 posts? lol
07-08-24 01:49:29
angelofscreams96 ::: Favorites
Once again it all comes down to the fact that nobody can truly speak for anybody else unless they've lived in all the world's minds and i can't say for sure but i don't think you've done that. I'm not saying that you don't relate to it you probably do very very very much- i'm just saying that maybe lots of other ppl do to.
07-08-24 01:47:36
angelofscreams96 ::: Favorites
Like I haven't experienced anything like what the character Lestat has (he's a vampire srsly dude) but I definitely get the emotion from it and can understand it. Some people can do that some ppl can't.
07-08-24 01:47:23


Duration: 06:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-03 12:21:02
User: zannnadu
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3fahrenheit3 ::: Favorites
i'll like 2 sub this if someone is so kind to send this video to me
07-10-08 05:13:38
zannnadu ::: Favorites
I can send the raw file to you. which file type do you prefer? i mean, .avi or .rmvb?
07-10-08 07:25:13
clotbeezy ::: Favorites
i want the video too can u send it to me as well??
07-10-10 20:13:51
3fahrenheit3 ::: Favorites
arron looks like he's not well..he was like the onli one with a jacket and he keeps sneezing..he's face also looks so happy to see him wif the other 3 ofter his operation..arron is so cute^o^..
07-10-08 05:12:07
ronkevin ::: Favorites
arron so cute!!! :) he seems very distracted... haha... love it when he was saying.. 纶:继续讲 爱讲就讲啊!讲到最后我们还是这样啊! he seems to be very pissed with the 狗仔...
07-10-07 08:37:51
Helleey ::: Favorites
OMG SOO CUTE < 33333333
07-10-07 06:37:11
TherissirehT ::: Favorites
soory i dont uunderstand mandarin. can anyone tell me what thy say if the woman sayd anything about [pah too?!][go out] ?! i really wnna know thaz (^_^") Arron.Jiro x33
07-10-06 16:28:18
ashsim119 ::: Favorites
jiro is so handsome & 斯文 XD
07-10-05 21:35:17
luvaaron4ever ::: Favorites
oh! Aaron is very individualized !! [call the people talk again the news ,call them talk what they like, and see what will the happened is !!] OH!! So great and handsome^^ I like it *
07-10-05 12:10:41
nightgurliez ::: Favorites
so funny the whole time arron's like gazing somewhere else, hugging the pillow, and not listening to the reporter lady. lol. he's so cute!
07-10-05 02:23:02

Funny Asian girls (korean)

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-28 20:43:24
User: Edea
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OMG when i saw this video i couldn´t stop laughing...this are two korean girls who are imitating and making fun of 2 singers...just watch those "dances"... In case you wanna know the song is "Emotion" by Yu Chae Young


igottasay ::: Favorites
wegerde chop chal de sou????
07-10-10 07:53:08
SUPE12MA12IO ::: Favorites
if ur gonna try to write in korean, plz write it in korean format like this plz? 아이 고
07-10-09 23:53:49
ashujaq311 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the site _GREATTIMEZ.COM_ -ashujaq311
07-10-05 02:02:59
angielynxo ::: Favorites
HAHA ! how funny !
07-09-29 02:30:43
0whiteknightjewel1 ::: Favorites
nothings funnier than to retarted asian girls singing
07-09-22 12:13:38
JessieW ::: Favorites
their funny looking..thats why its funny
07-09-06 21:39:07
freaklatino13 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 16:24:51
namcambigboss ::: Favorites
ahahah !!! funny !
07-08-22 08:34:04
0whiteknightjewel1 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 15:05:08
evilnitewing ::: Favorites
its funny to look at .. lol
07-08-03 09:57:27

vuurwerk compilatie

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-01 13:27:31
User: opperkonijn
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2006-2007 by some rulebreaking studs


bartieDJ ::: Favorites
00:14 , WTF waarom heeft hij een angerist mnasker op bij vuurwerk//?
07-10-10 11:58:04
humordag ::: Favorites
07-10-02 10:49:03
dynd ::: Favorites
lol ga zo door
07-09-30 05:09:55
snappertjuh ::: Favorites
mooi ijshockey masker :P
07-09-15 12:49:22
matty810 ::: Favorites
i want some mini rockets!!
07-09-11 12:03:45
jerrytjuh ::: Favorites
wat is dit voor nep kankervuurwerk kleuters
07-09-04 09:19:52
8bitKid ::: Favorites
07-09-03 10:20:09
leonsdaleM ::: Favorites
wtf? stumpers kut film ik geef je een poor
07-09-03 09:59:19
svenalty ::: Favorites
bermuda driehoek moet je niet afdeke muts no0bs bang voor een neutraat -_-
07-09-02 12:25:34
svodijk ::: Favorites
wtf wat een kut filmpje man egt slegte nitraten die bermuda's klappen niet hard en voor de rest normaal vuurwerk daar maak je tog geen filmpje van!!!
07-08-20 05:26:29

Huu - Say Goodbye ( Chris Brown) Cover

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 12:59:32
User: lunazian
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Yeaaah don't Say GoodBye To Me Youtubers ^^!! hope u like it!! Sorry i don't do all the song.. =s!! (voila ta eu ta chanson nathaliieuh)


noneness ::: Favorites
loved how you made this your own =]
07-10-09 18:04:39
srteakfury ::: Favorites
yup hes cool
07-10-09 17:26:57
LyricalG01 ::: Favorites
Amazing, I Like Your'e Voice =]
07-10-09 15:57:30
kellzbby ::: Favorites
you'r hot.
07-10-09 15:01:11
Babesx0x90 ::: Favorites
Amazing you rock! :)
07-10-09 12:21:35
mbl444 ::: Favorites
your voice is perfect
07-10-08 22:59:29
Skiippypb ::: Favorites
You`re cute. ;] Wonderful cover.
07-10-08 20:50:54
kandiluvzu ::: Favorites
soundz very sweet.. he kan be my boo lol
07-10-08 17:44:10
YourAddictingx0x ::: Favorites
so gooodd you should like, be a singer. no joke your amazzing, good job kid =)
07-10-08 17:26:36
x3monique ::: Favorites
your so cute! id vote for you too, you should def. think about it!
07-10-08 10:21:20

Beardy Busker from Brussels

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-16 05:32:00
User: blacktriangle
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A bit of a shakey video filmed near the Delerium Tremens Bar in Brussels.


reynard6 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 14:36:21
harryguitarjackson ::: Favorites
Now we know what Santa dose all the other 11 months of the year,and he treats himself to an ovation guitar too.
07-05-02 15:55:07
mohsen789 ::: Favorites
07-04-07 17:57:29
smidge146 ::: Favorites
ive jus been there and i saw him hes crazy!!!
07-03-26 15:47:55
JayWalkerke ::: Favorites
Vidular he was in no band in the sixties, he was freshly married at that time. but he did play in bands in the 50's and also for the american army in germany in the 50's.
07-02-09 18:26:58
JayWalkerke ::: Favorites
This guy is great, i know him irl. whenever you're in brussels near the grand market look for him. he plays oft. it's allmost allways great ambiance when he plays.
07-02-09 13:42:55
MelodeonJohn ::: Favorites
Old is Kooool, Older the fiddle better the tune just like man
07-01-21 18:00:40
MHarris1920 ::: Favorites
That was really great!! Just like Harvard Square.
06-11-23 21:11:30
Pookieftw ::: Favorites
I'm getting behind on my search. Haven't gotten out in days. I will though! Great video. How festive!
06-11-22 17:51:23
vidular ::: Favorites
Wow, he really put his heart and soul into it. I wonder if he was in a rock or blues band back in the 60s or so - certainly has the talent.
06-11-21 14:51:13

SWGEmu Celebration

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-05 12:08:39
User: smusatto
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This is my second video. I compiled clips of the progress in the emulator from the past month. All of the footage was captured by the developers on their dummy server, with the exception of the first and last scenes. The music is by Kanye West. I hope you enjoy it.


iownallnoobs ::: Favorites
yes its by kanye west
07-08-11 09:47:56
movielover340 ::: Favorites
This game make's star wars look reall.
07-07-09 11:21:59
Ozzie002 ::: Favorites
Hey! i just bought the SWG complete online adventures then heard about the EMU community wot is it all about cos am interested and is it as good as the real game?
07-06-29 18:42:31
blackmagic6011 ::: Favorites
what is the name of the song by kanye west?
07-06-21 00:02:50
SUNruzzz ::: Favorites
dam i cant wait youy guys are really doing it hey one question can you level up with proffection caz after my gcse's in rejoining swgEMU
07-06-09 20:22:01
Taaaadrog1 ::: Favorites
Smusatto Yo its Jabo, Can we get to all the diffrent planets? i hate being stuck on Tatooine =/
07-06-08 13:00:56
birthday42 ::: Favorites
do you need orginal discs to play since i threw mine in the bin
07-05-24 05:08:45
DarthSiirus ::: Favorites
LOL, Rick James... I cant get enough of the intro...
07-05-12 23:49:55
smusatto ::: Favorites
Yes. You can log in, equip some gear, PvP, and roam around Tatooine. Visit swgemu(.)com for more info.
07-05-11 23:53:45
SUNruzzz ::: Favorites
do your severs work? what can they do? is it free? how do i get segemu???
07-05-11 17:31:00