Friday, April 4, 2008

Oszusci na - CZESC 2

Duration: 06:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-12 16:00:29

Program "Uwaga" o oszustach na serwisie Program "Uwaga" o oszustach na serwisie aukcyjnym część druga


Meffisttoo  2008-04-01 14:35:18

Ludzie są zbyt ufni wpłata na konto bankowe płatność z góry bhahah zawsze mnie to rozpierdala ten text z góry to sobie na nartach szusuje a nie płacę najpierw towar dopiero pieniądze owszem kupuje na allegro :D ale zawsze za pobraniem i otwieram przesyłkę przy kurierze bo mam takie prawo i gitarka jestem zawsze zadowolony z zakupów na allegro polecam robić tak samo :D
igorchdk1  2008-04-01 12:28:45

Brawo za pomysl widac ze mają cos w glowach !! i wiedzą jak wykozystac slaby system zabezpieczen ...
llewy10  2008-03-16 13:32:40

wkurza mnie takie myslenie ze jak nie ma pieniedzy to trzeba je ukrasc:// zadna uczciwa praca nie hanbi!
Gioker001  2008-03-13 01:41:21

jak ktos kupuje cos drogiego od kogos kto ma malo komentarzy to sobie sam mozesz odpowiedziedz kim jest...
Theoneteam  2008-03-12 16:35:31

co racja to racja, ale nie wszyscy musza sie na tym znac... a kupic umieja od tego trzeba zaczac, tylko nie wiedza co robic w przypadku oszustwa

ill be waiting (je t'attendrai)

Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-05 16:58:54

me playing ill be waiting with some mistakes enjoy and comment :P


alex4527  2008-01-05 19:45:50

I like the song.... Good Job

devilstick routine

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-06 09:28:58

This is my devilstickroutine. I made it for the Dutch devilstickchampionships of april 2007.


robboaron  2008-04-03 10:45:06

hoi, ga je nog steeds meedoen met het nk ? Zou gaaf zijn. Hoe meer deelnemers hoe leuker het is!
punkygulli  2008-03-30 17:47:41

i really think you should've smlied a little more :) but really nice tricks! :D
Nexcet  2008-01-11 22:30:18

do fire!!
paulinasuazo  2007-11-04 19:15:01

you know the japanese devilstickers ?recommendme a site,you are awsome and beautifull
Red3white  2007-07-31 08:31:37

Very nice! Im trying to get my routine on YouTube but i cant get it a perfect 100% The devil stick videos are very interesting, but im probobly at least as good if not better than half of them. I really like how interactive you are with the Flatspin, i could never do some of that stuff.. My video's coming!!


Duration: 02:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-23 17:26:29

msrykay is now mighty marshmellow and aiyana is now awesome alligator! we fight crime and save the day!


360boxes  2008-02-17 23:26:35

nice video u just need better sound quality
duckscanfly89  2008-01-25 17:42:28

don't quit ur day job ladies.
Kila332  2008-01-24 20:04:08

Nice use of Refresh button. Cheaters...

The Sun And The Rainfall

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-08 14:24:47

80's Depeche Mode cover acoustic


o0Redbird0o  2008-03-28 11:50:07

Awesome Matt! Keep it up ! :)
setteplus  2008-03-13 07:28:57

nice song, nice performance

Tru Sauce Freestyle street ball video

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-09 08:34:51

tru sauce!!!


qaywsxedcrfvrfvtgb  2008-03-28 07:35:01

Voll geil oder?
ProduckyProductionS  2008-03-03 16:16:50

lool funky name tru mixed wid hotsauces name lool anywayz keep up da good work fam ! bizzle
rhizen000  2007-10-10 16:08:07

yo i like ur ball....... and larso is right change ur nick thats jst wrong
salevache  2007-04-14 20:58:59

Nice handles...
1Larsgroene  2007-03-11 05:24:50

tru baller and hot sauce in 1?? whaahh free is lookin good but change youre nick

A Question for Albert YEUNG

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-16 08:39:41

Question : Do you STILL insist that those Gillian pictures are FAKES ?


drrude  2008-02-27 23:41:55

Isn't he the guy who published pictures of Carina Lau getting raped by triads? Serves him well, that motherfucker!
mcgiver02  2008-02-21 14:55:17

flameout12345  2008-02-21 13:35:55

mcgiver02  2008-02-20 07:34:49

PL916  2008-02-19 03:58:08

If you wanna ask mr. albert yeung about this, you need to put his daughter's shower pics(vincy yeung) we all know it's real. it just being legitimate(& kind) calling them "look-alike".

David Archuleta American Idol (2.27.08) "Imagine"

Duration: 06:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-27 03:34:28

David Archuleta Performing John Lennon:


mrsmccartney409  2008-03-30 19:26:41

how come there's like NO sound?? :(
orangelimabean2  2008-03-07 19:02:13

no. I love him. haha
danMillstein  2008-02-29 10:16:58

om shanti
sexy7productions  2008-02-27 21:56:04


colleja al pika y asiendo el tonto

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-15 11:41:33

colleja al pika y asiendo el tonto


DarkHomer  2008-01-22 08:42:19

ganas de matar aumentando

American Idol 7 - Top 9 - David Cook - Little Sparrow

Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 21:46:55

Singing Dolly's Little Sparrow. 04/01/08


EmilyThong2697  2008-04-03 21:31:22

D4cjT2EB97Tcp7kTZLDa1GSTy hey anyone want to play with my boobs? lb8BYrD3khuOxRshCbUAbwcJAogFT
lizzamaryann  2008-04-03 21:31:06

Dolly was absolutely right about how he seems "certain of himself" hahaha. I think they put way too much foundation/makeup on him because I can see the cakiness of it when he's under the spotlight. He's still great though.
katiexoireland  2008-04-03 21:27:44

either him or david archuleta are gonna win they are both amazing but i absolutly love david archuleta
FREEAMERICANOW69  2008-04-03 21:22:28

MIKE GRAVEL is a libertarian candidate run for president. ontheissues dot org/Mike_Gravel. THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Hillary is a CFR member, NEO-CON who wants a NWO. google: clinton body count, CFR, NWO AND NAU. OBAMA'S CHANGE LIE: he has the same advisers as bill clinton and is funded by the same lobbyists as hillary and he's in CFR too. WATCH: 9/11 Hijackers ALIVE, zeitgeist and esoteric agenda. come to my site and watch the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA.
jackiecmo  2008-04-03 21:21:04

David A and David C will take runner up and American idol...idc what one is what there both just so good!