Monday, August 13, 2007

Zanessa News! (#45) [8/5/07]

Duration: 286 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:45:48
User: lalalabyotch
:::: Favorites

NewsOn: Zac writes a song for V? Stalkerish Video is just not right. Cutie Early Show pics. Zacarito Smoothie. Teen Choice Awards. TEEN CHOICE AWARDS LINK: COMMENT/RATE/SUBSCRIBE for more!

Ciinderellla ::: Favorites
The Song That zac sang is totally cute I'd do the same thing if i was vanessa!
07-08-07 17:02:35
zashleyluver0999 ::: Favorites
white women are most attraactive huh well i say ur rascist ok ur a self centerd bitch exalted212 bitch bitch bitch yah u i am black and well are all beutiful everyone is so shut ur fuckin mouth and just remmber whem u clown the clown ull get it back 10 times as hard as u gave it away
07-08-07 17:49:57
lalalabyotch ::: Favorites
Wooo you go girl!!
07-08-08 00:58:56
lalalabyotch ::: Favorites
also, i removed that stupid comment. so its gone. stupid bitch is all i have to say to that racist.
07-08-08 01:00:01
zanessa033 ::: Favorites
thank you 4 giving us a zanessa news.....i love it...can't wait til HSM2 comes....LOL
07-08-08 07:01:26
zanessafann14 ::: Favorites
Wow! GREAT one!!! I don'y post alot anymore but I watch almost every single vid you make!
07-08-08 14:42:32
pinktoe200 ::: Favorites
umm was that the song zac wrote for vanessa??? oh and by the way i agree wit you 110% i looked at all the news you did you are so awesome! ive been tryig to look at this forever but i couldnt find it then i saw zanessas news!#1 then i watched it till #46! and i loved them allllll!!!!
07-08-08 17:42:38
cplferrigon ::: Favorites
My favorite video. Your the best
07-08-09 10:33:45
bluEming19 ::: Favorites
what the title of the song????
07-08-11 05:38:44
luckystarworld ::: Favorites
it takes two by: zac efron
07-08-11 20:15:28

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