Monday, December 3, 2007

Bush Speaks on FISA

Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-10 11:40:29
User: Veracifier
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President Bush October 10 2007


frankscola ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 11:47:18

Bush grabs more power, and the people will have to fight even longer to take it back.
d1mf1n ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 11:56:12

when will you stop this man
wiskawind ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 11:56:26

Lies, lies, and more lies! Bush/Co have committed WAR CRIMES under the guise of protecting US and in OUR name! It is time to make them accountable under OUR LAWS! America is supposed to be a country governed by laws, if our leaders are not accountable to those laws, then America is no longer a democracy!
asdffd ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 12:12:17

Anyone know where I can find the clip of Giuliani getting loudly booed at the Yankees game? Can't believe it's not on YouTube yet. Oh yeah, Bush is a LIAR who hates America. You will never meet a bigger America hater than a evangelical, even though they love to wrap themselves in the flag. Bad at their core they hate everything about America. It's ashame we don't have too many Dems who are willing to fight these bastards tooth and nail.
JasonEcks ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 12:16:37

Safe from who? The criminal trying to sell the home protection system.
sheepwshotguns ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 13:15:35

im sorry bush, but nothing will ever fill the gap in your intelligence.
mario57357 ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 13:25:40

What you are all forgetting is 9/11 and how many people died that day. Radical Islam is EVIL and must be found and brought to justice. I don't mind being wiretapped I have nothing to hide.
intarwebzz ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 13:43:30

mario57357 ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 13:53:02

How am I a coward, I Said I DON'T MIND being wiretapped. Speaking of cowards who are the ones who smashed planes into buildings
uSteltzen ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 13:59:06

Why be a person? Your born of flesh no?
rick810 ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 14:16:51

How many rights are you willing to give up before you realize you and your children will be stripped of all freedom? Why are you okay with allowing the government to decide who is an enemy and who is not. What if your trusting government one day decides YOU are the enemy and you are imprisoned without legal representation or due process? I wonder if you would still have the same trusting faith in your government? WAKE UP DAMN IT!!
Benny1975utube ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 14:27:33

Mario has nothing to hide - he's putting his ignorance on display for everyone to see!
franknyt ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 14:34:53

I yearn for the day this man is convicted of treason, and hung along side every member of his administration, members of the CFR, and members of both houses who aided these sociopaths to power. Too harsh?
baronderothchild ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 14:37:49

just the right amount of harshness.
airborne373 ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 14:48:58

mario57357 - Because you lack the courage to stand up and defend The United States Constitution.

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