Monday, September 17, 2007

Weight Loss Diet - Simple Ways to lose Fat

Duration: 08:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-12 13:40:21
User: keeganreid1
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Weight loss diet tips and simple tips on losing fat. visit me at

keeganreid1 ::: Favorites
07-09-04 23:41:21
Sumaskool ::: Favorites
Hi buddy, just wanted to say thanks for all the advise in the past month. I have lost abt 4 Kg. Thanks so much for everything. The comments have been really helpful.
07-09-04 11:02:46
mikespike88 ::: Favorites
have you ever tried Isagenix
07-09-03 02:32:50
keeganreid1 ::: Favorites
If you eat yogurt or drink Kombucha tea which expedites your digestion process and get your 25 to 30 grams of fibre daily from great sources, no you should have not have any problem. I am not encouraging the Adkins diet here. Keep that in mind. So no, it is not unhealthy in the way that I am suggesting. Best of luck to you.
07-09-01 21:20:42
AmioliaFranciosa ::: Favorites
hey, great video. however, isn't it harmful for your kidneys to eat that much protein because of its nitrogen content? eating too much protein may lead to renal disorders or damage to the kidneys filtering units. you're a tall big guy and you probably know how much protein you can eat, but i would not recommend eating more than 100-150 grams of protein a day. especially if you're a woman.
07-09-01 16:01:30
keeganreid1 ::: Favorites
Drinking water is great. Check out my first video. I talk about adding natural cranberry to your water to help you get through keeping the quantity of water high. -Keegan
07-08-29 23:37:23
mikespike88 ::: Favorites
another great tip is to drink half you weight with water in oz. (if you weight 230lbs go for 115oz)
07-08-29 21:58:23
lemmy555 ::: Favorites
Green Tea is a actually speeds of the body's natural process of burning fat. If you cannot drink it everyday, look into green tea extract pills. HIGHLY recommended!!
07-08-25 02:34:18
sameo51 ::: Favorites
You ever read ''Burn the fat feed the muscle''? To me it's the best (e)book ever made that cut's the bull and goes straight to the point. From what i'm hearing you've both got the same idea :D nice to see people on the right track.
07-08-23 11:50:08
keeganreid1 ::: Favorites
I advise trying to diversify your foods as much as possible. Your source of protein should not be the same for each meal. Also try your best to stay away from canned or manufactured foods.
07-08-23 07:44:38

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