Monday, September 17, 2007

BradRy MUGEN Specail "We will miss you Captain America!"

Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 04:31:59
User: BradRy2
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I found this out about 2 weeks ago myself. Captain America is dead. How could they do that to him in the comic book series. That's so not cool. I don't want any crap about the Captain got it. Or I'm definitely removing that comment. Captain America made by MystikBlaze Yumeji made by taruse The except about Capt. America's death can be found at shadowhaxor(DOT)net site.

Heroslayer5 ::: Favorites
no offence but, you dont need to miss him as if he was real. he was a comic book. and i betcha 10 buck is a year he will be forgoten.
07-09-09 10:52:25
jugness ::: Favorites
I will damn hell miss captain america even i didn't read the Civil war comics. I salute you,soldier(Captain america).
07-06-01 02:55:40
Archonus ::: Favorites
Seems a little "unfair" doesn't it? Well, that's just great storytelling. It was a very human event and made one hell of a story.
07-05-09 22:29:32
ghettostuntabulious ::: Favorites
well of course MARVEL did a hell of a job, and that's why i love 'em. it's just that his greatest strength was his greatest weakness. his love and patriot acts for the people was his downfall!!!!!
07-05-08 01:37:18
Archonus ::: Favorites
Now, I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion. You absolutely are, and yes, he did seem to go out like a "wimp", but that was the point of Civil War. It was to make all of the heroes seem much more "human" with human problems like the preservation of rights and personal freedoms. And I think Marvel did a great job.
07-05-05 13:16:19
Archonus ::: Favorites
Well, that's exactly what's so tragic about his death; he had a choice, and he chose the one that HE thought in HIS head was best for the majority. He's Captain America, just about the most patriotic superhero Marvel's got, and his choice, his "mistake" as you seem to be putting it only makes him that much of a great character.
07-05-05 13:16:03
ghettostuntabulious ::: Favorites
fuck that, he did have a choice. just like when u chose to go against the registratioun act. i would've went against the registration act myself. he was fighting a great war just like he did in WWII. in wars a lot of people get wounded and lives are lost. but don't punk out just cause your destroying buildings and stuff. he chose 2 fight so he should've stayed fighting. instead of just givin' in like that. and u kno what else, i'm glad the other heroes are still fighting the good fight.
07-05-03 12:03:02
BradRy2 ::: Favorites
That's cold. He didn't really have a choice. In his mind it was the best thing to do.
07-05-02 17:46:03
ghettostuntabulious ::: Favorites
i say let CAPTAIN AMERICA rot, he shouldn't have givin up like he did. i mean did martin luther king give in, did muhammid ali give in, did spiderman give despite all the changes he was goin through. but captain america had to. so i say that's what he gets, i would've shot him myself if i had the chance.
07-05-02 17:34:08
leonkubik ::: Favorites
What bothered me about his death the most is that when Superman died in 1994, everything stopped for one day, no crime or anything... but when Captain America dies, nothing... not even a armband with his shield on it...
07-03-29 22:20:22

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