Thursday, August 2, 2007

Stick Figures On Crack 3

Duration: 255 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-15 15:52:12
User: PivotMsterDX
:::: Favorites

The 3rd stick figures on crack... the best so far!

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StickDeathAnimator ::: Favorites
Its Sponge Bob I Think
07-08-02 00:27:07
lexi998800 ::: Favorites
I got bad news. Last night the news said September is the month that Youtube will be deleteing vids with copyright material. and with copyrighted they mean almost everything from youtube Please help me spread the word...Fast That is all please re post this and thanks for opening SPREAD THE WORD FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEND TO ATLEAST 15 PEOPLE OR JUST MAKE A BULLETIN! WE NEED ALL THE HELP OF OF SPREADING THE WORD TO EVERY YOUTUBER! THIS ISN'T A CHAIN ITS FOR REAL!
07-08-02 00:48:14
glamorousgrl14 ::: Favorites
07-08-02 01:09:52
goggy4 ::: Favorites
ya what song is at :37 to :44
07-08-02 01:12:45
F4tLip ::: Favorites
every part with a sandwhich is amy favorite part
07-08-02 01:28:36
elementbam71 ::: Favorites
wats the epsisode wen theyhave silly hats club?
07-08-02 01:36:53
elementbam71 ::: Favorites
lmao..!!!! wat the crap how come no body called me ?!! lol
07-08-02 01:41:54
mphpro ::: Favorites
lol roflmao hilarious
07-08-02 02:17:46
faithfulsteed123 ::: Favorites
07-08-02 02:29:10
GirObsessedEvil ::: Favorites
stop with the stuff like "YOUR NOT PIVOTMASTER!!!" for gods sakes. If he isn't, he at least puts pivots mention in his credits, so its not like he is stealing them. so shut the fuck up and watch.
07-08-02 02:32:33

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