Thursday, August 2, 2007

(( runescape trailer ))

Duration: 92 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-03 09:33:25
User: maplemountains
:::: Favorites

my latest project. a runescape trailer, made by me ^_^ i hope you like it. this version is vry screwed up, thx to youtube to watch high quality (awsomeness) follow this link: took a long time to make in my crappy movie maker lol enjoy everyone :D

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maplemountains ::: Favorites
yes i use WMM =] my vids take about 1-3 hours to edit depending on what kindof movies they r =)
07-07-11 05:45:43
thebadthing ::: Favorites
u do so much to make em though, did u tape all of ur quests?
07-07-15 20:30:13
Speilburg108 ::: Favorites
how do you use a hypercam?
07-07-26 19:33:31
aileen115 ::: Favorites
lol i use sony vegas 7 and WMM and magix movie edit pro 12 to make a good movie!!!!
07-07-27 19:34:04
aileen115 ::: Favorites
wow! 5/5!!!
07-07-27 19:36:11
thebadthing ::: Favorites
wat is the song??
07-07-28 15:23:08
curlyboy000 ::: Favorites
well done 5 stars
07-07-31 07:42:31
dreamboy151 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 15:05:50
Fantikerz ::: Favorites
You dont use Vegas...
07-08-01 18:28:34
superABE321 ::: Favorites
very nice, 1 of the best rs vids ive seen, and ive seen a lot
07-08-01 18:55:17

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