Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Rose For Emily.

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-18 00:52:16
User: Kuriie
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This is actually one of my English Projects. LOL We had to make a movie commercial for one of the stories we read, and rather than making a Real life video, I used maple. xD Well, yeah, enjoy I suppose. You probably won't get it too much unless you have read the short story. Also, this is NOT an actually movie. It's a short story in my literature book for my class. A Rose For Emily, by William Faulkner. Note: I am NOT actually Making a Maple video about this. It was a project I amde for school. I WILL however try and malke more maple videos similar to this. :D So, just to help you guys out, I'ma explain the story here: So this lady Emily dies. Everyone in town was curious to see what her house was like and almost everyone went to her funeral. It goes to a flash back type thing to when Emily is still alive and people notice her husband mysteriously "dissapeared." No one really knew what happened to him. After her husband was who knows where, Emily rarely left her house. So it goes back again to where Emily is currently dead. When goin gin the house the towns people smell an aweful odor. They enter Emily's room and fine her husbands dead body/skeleton in her bed. Then on the pilow next to his dead body, they notice a strand of Emilys long grey hair. ^^^^ What does this mean? It means Emily refused to belive/acknowledge that her husband was dead and even slept with the corpse for however many years. Pretty sick eh? Kinda a cool story. Check it out if you feel like it.


BrutalCaress ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 08:10:06

beautiful story!!
Kuriie ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 17:02:06

The song is Requiem For a Dream
OneMinuteClipz ::: Favorites  2007-12-08 11:46:32

wats the song called?
yourwatch1014 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 23:23:34

it is perfect!
lisababy85 ::: Favorites  2007-11-15 20:12:11

A Rose for Emily is such a beautiful story it's so sad though. Do you really think she was sleeping with the dead? I have been told by my English teachers that she was, but I really don't think so. I think maybe she just felt comfort in Homer's presence and pretened he was alive like in Psycho? but Nacro? COMEON!

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