Sunday, January 6, 2008

Karate Goju ryu tradicional

Duration: 02:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-11 02:41:02
User: jofmistico
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Entrenamiento de karate goju ryu tradicional de Okinawa


Remanabera ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 23:16:31

i´ve trained in shotokan karate for 2 years but i have resentlly stoped to follow in the foot steps of Bruce Lee and create my own style reaserching varios diferent martial arts and after watching this video i can defently say that i have never trained in real karate. PS:the karate style i trained in is something called ´´point/touch karate´´.
sifuandrew ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 21:22:56

I've never seen Goju with that level of contact. I LIKE!
Boredoutofmywits ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 18:50:02

It is possible for intrathoracic pressure to rise to such a level that causes the vena cava returning blood to the heart to collapse—hardly the kind of exercise to be engaging in if you are overweight.
Boredoutofmywits ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 18:49:24

As air cannot escape, or is restricted, intrathoracic pressure can rise to a point where systolic and diastolic pressure can rise beyond normal levels anticipated in exercises that do not advocate the holding or restraining of the breath.(More Next)
Boredoutofmywits ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 18:01:55

Sanchin Kata is very unhealthy for obese people¡ Not kidding¡ Sanchin, make an expiratory effort by an extended sound against constricted vocal cords, or with a cough against a closed glottis and go through a form of dynamic tension at various technical points within the Three-Battle Three Upright or Chien tension form. (More next)
NewEnglandBudo ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 16:26:50

Sometimes it's nice to be carrying a .38 caliber snub nose revolver. (Nice small and compact holes it does make), Then there are times that you want to carrying the .50 cal SAW machine gun for the huge holes and firepower it makes. Different weapons for different tactics. A little bit of listening to the tactics that were discussed rather than flapping the lips, you might have discovered the aforementioned.
glimmerman108 ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 16:32:59

I am going to be posting some more vids on my account of my friend NMCK69 so you can see more. But you are obviously noy prepared for what you see. CK is not going to be rude, but you are a dim witted young punk in my book and insensitive as well, to say "fucking fat" about my best friend. Write ME and we'll compare locations. I'd like to school you and any two of your friends in what a fat boy who knows what he is doing can do to a know nothing faggot like you.
glimmerman108 ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 16:26:54

gorillawhite: NMCK69 IS a heavy here. But he is like me, he goes up and down some due to injuries, and seasonal eating habits. But let me assure you, since you are not "in the loop" about this man and what he does: When he is heavy or when he is not: I'd just soon kick a marble post than kick him. Are you looking for slightly built "boys" on here or good Karate?
NMCK69 ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 19:22:00

Eats a LOT of food
gorillawhite ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 10:03:54

How does he stay so fucking fat doing all that exercise?
baaldi ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 19:06:34

and if u look at 1.25 about the balance, what he is sayign abotu balance i totally agree with. But look at the stance the guy has after the punch. hes leant forward slightly and his arm is completely straight and stiff, one of the first things i wos taught was to be soft, and relax after the punch. Leave the power inside the person, and bring the punch back towards you for more powerful penetration.
baaldi ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 18:44:36

NMCK69, perfect comment. about the pudding not the box. Much similar to saying that good karate doesnt look good. No fancy stuff, my dojo dont worry about badges. Its the karate that counts. Not what it looks like to others
NMCK69 ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 10:22:57

Hi, Aaronk0813. I appreciate your comment and don't disagree, but I also feel that "each to his own..." is very important in karate/martial arts. I know of "American Karate" folks who are every bit as intense as this dojo, but they are rare: most people don't WANT this level; U.S. folks love lawsuits; many in the U.S. have never seen the real deal. "IT" is out there if you look.
aaronk0813 ::: Favorites  2007-12-11 23:16:07

When i took 3 years of go ju ryu karate the training was'nt this instense, i mean it seems to be that american karate is watered down to be made acceptable to mainstearm america cause from my own experience is that american karate is just a bunch of the sensei who just ego trips or just alot of people whining over belt rank, know i don't know how karate really is in japan but from what i have seen in clip the style of go ju ryu is hardcore and practical, so as for american karate is a scam.
okinawankarate ::: Favorites  2007-12-08 21:07:34

the sensei is very fast with his front kicks

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