Sunday, September 16, 2007

患部で止まってすぐ溶ける~狂気の優曇華院 FULL

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 08:49:34
User: jjbnbn
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ニコニコにVer.2を上げる予定。 カオスは実験策なのでその辺も含めて。 音ずれは直った・って言い切れないけどまぁマシになったと思うので。 しかし100000の範囲外なのでアプは午前2時以降です

queenofgamez ::: Favorites
ha ha ha ha exelent
07-09-12 16:12:57
fgdjsjs ::: Favorites
A translation of the scene befor the dance game: r u sourous your playing easy mode!? haha easy mode is only for elamarty school kids! KYHAHAHA!
07-08-29 00:49:21
Ziiiv ::: Favorites
A translation of the scene at 1:37 Where there's a guy with a cell phone Guy: lady... What kind of underwear are you wearing? Girl: I'm not wearing any underwear! Guy: O.O !!!!!!!
07-08-09 01:13:36
Tugiichan ::: Favorites
Just... WEIRD!! O_O
07-08-01 17:31:46
DarkBahamut ::: Favorites
I thi8nk i's safe the say.. "What the bloody hell did I just watch?!?!?"
07-07-16 16:49:36
PetitPuchiko ::: Favorites
~I love this~
07-07-02 10:29:50
Ninjaness55 ::: Favorites
where can i download this video! :D <33
07-06-29 22:03:34
petokyo ::: Favorites
this is the flash promo for an iosysos cd. looks like crap on youtube, go to iosysos com to find the original ...
07-06-26 04:46:50
junniejj ::: Favorites
@o@ ugh this video is making me dissy!! *falls out on the ground*
07-06-14 12:57:57
Laternater ::: Favorites
Where can I get the MP3?!?!?
07-06-11 23:38:39

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